[HQRP] Fwd: Manhattan is moving to Arkansas

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Thu, 08 Mar 2001 15:59:10 -0500

Ed, N5EM

>Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 13:52:22 -0800
>Reply-To: ki6ds@dph.dpol.net
>Sender: owner-qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU
>From: "Doug Hendricks" <ki6ds@dph.dpol.net>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: Manhattan is moving to Arkansas
>X-To: <qrp-l@lehigh.edu>
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.71.1712.3
>X-Orcpt: rfc822;qrp-l@listserv.cc.lehigh.edu
>No, Bill is not going to move his office to Ft. Smith, but the real reason
>that Manhattan is a familiar term to every QRPer is the construction style
>that Jim Kortge made popular with his famous winning entry in the NorCal
>2222 building contest at Dayton.  Jim's rig spawned a complete issue of QRPp
>on the style, and he has continued to build projects and improve other
>designs using the method.
>Guys all over the world are now using the method, and building circuits like
>crazy.  Almost every day someone mentions on qrp-l that they have built
>something Manhattan style.  Chuck Adams has perfected the art and has gotten
>so good at it that he has retired from building competitions using the
>method.  Mike Fitzgibbon used the method to build a whole set of SST's, and
>even used it to design a 10 meter transceiver that used the SST as the
>foundation, and then he expanded it and improved it to work on 10 meters.
>It too was the subject of a huge article in QRPp, and there will be a follow
>up soon of Jim Kortge's optimizing of the rig.  Guys what is happening is
>that QRPers are building like never before, and they are able to do it when
>they want to, because they don't have the constraints of having to have pc
>board.  Ugly construction is hard for some of us, but Manhattan is easy, as
>you just basically follow the layout of the schematic.   And if someone else
>has built it and has pictures on the web, you have a great guide to go by!!
>Well, listen, for the first time ever, these three Giants of Manhattan
>Construction style, Jim Kortge, Chuck Adams and Mike Fitzgibbon will all be
>at Arkiecon, and JayBob is doing his best to get all of them to bring their
>famous rigs for us to see.  Man think about a display of the original 2N2222
>rig, the 2N2/6, The Manhattan SST's from Mike, the Iowa QRP 10, Jim and
>Chuck's version of the Iowa QRP 10, and all of the rigs that Chuck has built
>using the method, you know, his prize winners!!!  Wow, I get chills just
>thinking about that one.  If you live anywhere in 500 miles of Ft. Smith,
>Arkansas, you owe it to yourself to get there for the forum Saturday and the
>party on Saturday night.  JayBob says that he thinks he can get them to
>bring the rigs.  Sure wouldn't hurt if you guys helped encourage them.
>JayBob has come to Pacificon the last 3 years and roomed with me.  I look at
>the lineup of people coming to Ft. Smith, and I think the guy has been
>stealing my ideas.  His roster of people is amazing:  Jim Cates, Vern
>Wright, Paul Maciel, Dave Fifield, Dave Gauding, Mike Fitzgibbon, Chuck
>Adams, Jim Kortge, George Heron, Jim Duffey, George Pierce, Glen Reid, Ed
>Manuel, Clif Sikes, Burl Keeton, Dub Thornton, Dennis Foster, Charles &
>Ernestine from Texarkana (Every time I play Cottonfields I think of you and
>the great hug you gave me Ernestine), Mose Howard, Kelly Ellison, Gary
>Harrison, Darryl Swenson, and the local celebs will all be there, Keith
>Newman, the Hangin' Judge Kelsey Mikel, Governor Win Dooley, Kathy Vines,
>boy it doesn't get any better than that.  And the opportunity to see the
>very foundations of Manhattan construction.  Oh my gosh, it's gonna be a
>party.  And don't forget we'll have titled visitors from England there, Lord
>Graham Firth and Sir Tony Fishpool.  Don't worry guys, you won't have to
>call them Lord Graham or Sir Tony, they will answer to just Tony and Graham,
>but if you wish to be proper .......  72, and I'll see you in Ft. Smith

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