[HQRP] 2N2/40 kit parts, FT37-43's are here!

Janzer, Mark MJanzer@arcadis-us.com
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 12:43:44 -0700

Ya'll dasn't need to rush over here and beat on the door. But the cores are
here. I know Ted is just itching to wind these thingees, and would probably
volunteer to do at least 63 of them (not).  

I office near Wilcrest and Westheimer and commute up & down I-10 to 11th &
TC Jester.
I can also make a detour, home, up the beltway to 290.

I was also tentatively going to Brenham this weekend, but that is not
definite (and is looking doubtful, the daughter with the broken finger has
team photos on Sat. morning)

So let me know how you want these things, if you want them before the next

Mark, K5MGJ
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