[HQRP] Fwd: Dayton Hamvention Rooms

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 17:51:27 -0500

>Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 12:23:40 -0400
>Reply-To: k8dd@arrl.net
>Sender: owner-qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU
>From: Hank Kohl K8DD <k8dd@arrl.net>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: Dayton Hamvention Rooms
>X-To: qrp-l@lehigh.edu
>X-Sender: k8dd@mail.arenet.net
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
>X-Orcpt: rfc822;qrp-l@listserv.cc.lehigh.edu
>As of April 12 there are 5 open rooms on the list.
>It's getting close to the date to turn back the un-confirmed rooms.
>73    Hank    K8DD
>*/     Hank Kohl  K8DD      k8dd@arrl.net
>*/     ARRL TS              http://www.qsl.net/k8dd
>*/     MI-QRP - Vice Pres.  QRP-ARCI - Director

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