[HQRP] Fwd: Dayton Vendor/Club night

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Sat, 14 Apr 2001 10:58:34 -0500


Please review section number 1. - Club Night.  We just gotta do something 


>Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 11:03:19 -0400
>Reply-To: w4qo@amsat.org
>Sender: owner-qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU
>From: Jim Stafford <w4qo@amsat.org>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: Dayton Vendor/Club night
>X-To: qrp-l list <qrp-l@lehigh.edu>, qrp@qth.net
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en]C-CCK-MCD {TLC;RETAIL}  (Win98; U)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>X-Orcpt: rfc822;qrp-l@listserv.cc.lehigh.edu
>As Dayton draws near, it's time to finalize your plans to participate in
>the BIG event on Friday night.  No, the banquet has moved to Saturday
>night and Friday night is Club/Vendor night.  We'll be in the big
>ballroom for this event so check it out and reply as appropriate:
>1. Club Night - If your club would like to have a table to promote your
>club, sell kits, you name it, then sign up now.  This is a good place to
>have info about your club and if you "accept" national/international"
>memberships, sign'em up here.  The Cheezeheads of where-else WIS set the
>tone last year when they had, you guessed it, "cheese" and more at their
>table.  We are encouraging all clubs to have some munchies for all to
>share.  Perhaps some local delicacy for all to sample.  Do you have a
>web site?  Promote that as well.  Banners, sure!  QSL cards from all
>your members on the wall?  Absolutely.  Funny hats for your team, why
>not?  Tee shirts, need we say more?  There will be a prize for the club
>that is judged to be the "best in show" based on - well, who knows, but
>we'll figure it out.
>2. Vendors - Funny hats, tee shirts, munchies - same thing applies - go
>all out.  But seriously, if you are a vendor that has something for
>QRPers (and who doesn't - OK maybe ETO) and would like to set up on
>Friday night - the official vendor night - please let me know.  I have
>heard from a few already and be assured there will be tables for all.
>But please let me know ahead of time so we can make up tent cards, and
>assign spaces.  One table limit, please.   But bring enough kits, parts
>to satisfy a hungry crowd.  Last year, some vendors snuck in on Thursday
>night (and yes, you can do that too if you wish but it's not the
>official vendor night) and were sold out BEFORE Vendor Night - don't let
>that happen to you - bring plenty!  Again, please email me to reserve
>your space (but if you forget to reserve, come anyway, we'll work you
>in!)  Vendors = please note - if you would like for the QRP ARCI club to
>"feature/show" your kit or item at our Hamvention booth, please get with
>me.  We have limited space to show your stuff and even sell some on
>cosignment at our main booth at the Hamvention.
>So get ready for over 250 QRPers in one room ready to buy and have fun
>on Club/Vendor night = Friday, May 18 - 7 PM til 11 PM *****
>QRPers - if you have a friend who is a vendor but may not receive this
>mailing, please forward along and ask them "Why not be at the QRP Vendor
>night?"  Thanks for your help.
>Jim Stafford, W4QO@arrl.net  770-993-9500
>President - QRP ARCI   http://www.qrparci.org
>Chief Op:  http://www.w4qo.com
>My local QRP club: http://www.nogaqrp.org

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