[HQRP] FDIM Ride Available from Houston

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Wed, 02 May 2001 11:05:16 -0500


A seat is available for travel to Dayton, 2001.  Here are the specific details.

We leave Houston, Tx on Tuesday, May 15th.  We will spend one night on the 
road and arrive at the QRP "Hilton" in Dayton (yea, I know its really just 
South of Dayton) on Wednesday night.

We'll stay four nights (Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat) and depart Dayton after lunch 
on Sunday.  We'll spend Sunday night on the road and arrive back in Houston 
Monday night, May 21 real late.  YEP, that's a whole week!  Tell the boss 
you are having Chronic Stress Disorder and need to get away.

We will be traveling in a large F-350 Pickup - very roomy and large payload 
space in back :-)  Lots of radios to use on the trip, of course.

We need a fourth for the trip.  You can depart with us in Houston or you 
can meet us along the intended route.  We have a bed for you in Dayton.

All you need is to be a congenial sort, non-smoker preferred, male (don't 
think the wife would allow otherwise), and ready to have some serious total 
immersion Ham Radio Fun - with the emphasis on QRP and maybe ATV 
(multi-dimensional sorts, we are).

Need to hear from you ASAP, of course.

We can accomodate some small deviations from the route but it you do a 
Yahoo map from Houston to Dayton, you will have a pretty good idea of where 
we will be passing by.

Ed Manuel, N5EM

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