[HQRP] Dayton, 2001

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:08:58 -0500

Well, the Houston "Big-Dog" bus is getting ready to leave for Dayton.  Ed 
Manuel, Ron Sparks and Ken Mitchell are confirmed with the fourth spot 
under advisement.

We're leaving on Tuesday morning May 15th and driving to Dayton.  We get 
there Wednesday night for the festivities and will leave Sunday after it's 
done to drive back, arriving late late Monday evening.

If you think you might want that 4th seat (have to be prepared if the 
current person backs out) send me an email and let me know.  We have to 
nail it down real soon now.  Besides, your boss will want all kinds of 
notice for the weeks vacation you will have to take.

For those not in the inner circle, "Big-Dog" is AG5RS's F350 diesel pickup 
trunk.  Seats 4 comfortably, has an Icom 706 installed and has room for a 
reasonable return payload (there IS a limit on the number of boatanchors :-)

Ed, N5EM

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