[HQRP] HQRP Meeting location

Janzer, Mark MJanzer@arcadis-us.com
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 13:16:09 -0600

OK guys, here's the gist of the conversation between Lee Greenwood
(spelling?) of the Houston Arboretum and myself concerning the use of their
meeting room.  I've copied her on this email to include her and her
co-workers on the discussion.

Normally the room would be available at $50 an hour with a minimum of $200.
Obviously, we haven't the resources or the inclination to contribute that
much for the use of a meeting room.  Mind, the light may go on in Ed
Manuel's head to start charging $$$ for the use of his house as a meeting

Apparently, I've called at an opportune time. They are considering a project
for the monitoring of some of the wildlife in the park and our expertise
with radios, computers, television and photography may very well come in
handy.  They may be willing to barter the room use, for some of that
expertise, for this project.

The equipment costs are not really a part of the deal.  But they could use
the advice and labor, on how to rig up some things on the cheap (a couple of
forays to EPO I figure....etc.)

Anyhow, the goal is to prove that there is a sustaining habitat for bobcat
and coyote on the premises. Lee has seen the coyote and they've found bobcat
carcasses and have detected the bobcat pheromones.  They need to document
that the critters are out there.  (They think deer are there, too, I agree
on that, cause I saw some about ten or twelve years ago, when I was officing
at CRS Sirrine next door, working second shift)

So, anybody besides me, getting interested?

Mark, K5MGJ
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