[HQRP] Fwd: Manhattan Hombrewing Starter Kit

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 08:55:22 -0500

>Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 23:27:11 -0400
>Reply-To: n2apb@erols.com
>Sender: owner-qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU
>From: "George Heron N2APB" <n2apb@erols.com>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: Manhattan Hombrewing Starter Kit
>X-To: "EPAQRP" <epaqrp-l@lehigh.edu>, "QRP-L" <qrp-l@lehigh.edu>
>X-Cc: "NJQRP" <NJQRP@njqrp.org>
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
>X-Orcpt: rfc822;qrp-l@listserv.cc.lehigh.edu
>Announcing: the "NJQRP Manhattan Homebrewing Starter Kit".
>A couple of us local QRPers came back from Dayton this past May
>with a reasonable stock of good quality, double-sided, 1/16" pcb material.
>We bought as many big sheets of this stuff as we could push along in a
>shopping cart through torrential rain back to my truck, bloodied our fingers
>from handling it all, and ripped the upholstery that it rubbed against
>during the trip back home. (This is all true and it was quite an adventure,
>but its another story :-)
>Anyway, it was a good deal and we figured we'd find a way for QRPers
>to use this stuff. So with all the talk here on the lists about where to get
>boards and how exorbitant the prices are, we scratched our respective
>heads and came up with ...
>"The NJQRP Manhattan Homebrewing Starter Kit"
>1) 2 boards 6" x 9" (e.g., nice for base and panels boards of Boy Scout
>Regen Receiver in QHB #4)
>2) 4 boards 3" x 4.5" (good for those smaller projects, like an RF amp,
>audio amp,
>3) 5 assorted small scrap pieces (good for creating braces, standoffs,
>punched pads, etc)
>4) 4 thin 3/16" x 6" strips (snip off in 1/8" increments to create about 200
>Manhattan Pads)
>5) 1 small tube of Elmer's Super Glue (2 grams ... enough to attach several
>hundred pads)
>6) 1 Scotch-Brite abrasive pad (for board cleaning)
>7) The "Manhattan-Style Homebrewing Guide" (some 20 pages of instruction,
>recommended tools, photo examples from experts such as Jim Kortge and Chuck
>Adams, and simple practical example projects.)
>PRICE:  $10.00 shipped to your doorstep. (In the case of DX orders, please
>add $3 for overseas shipments.)
>ORDERING:  We're shipping now.  Supplies are limited and we
>won't be able to offer the Starter Kit forever, so place your order as soon
>as possible.  As usual, write a check or M.O. payable to "George Heron,
>N2APB and send to:
>     George Heron, N2APB
>     2419 Feather Mae Court
>     Forest Hill, MD  21050
>Also per usual, for fast and painless ordering we accept payments by way of
>PAYPAL (http://www.paypal.com) ... once your account is established with
>them by using your credit card, just specify payment to me at my email
>address: n2apb@amsat.org
>Okay, we hope QRP homebrewers will take advantage of this deal - and we
>think you'll agree that it is indeed a deal - and get a Manhattan
>Homebrewing Starter Kit soon.  It's a convenient way to get started making
>some of these projects you've seen in each issue of QRP Homebrewer, on QRP-L
>and even in QST.  Just add your favorite components, melt some solder and
>you'll be in business!
>73, George N2APB  n2apb@amsat.org
>    and Joe N2CX n2cx@voicenet.com
>    for the NJQRP Club at http://www.njqrp.org
>PS:  We have a really neat announcement coming up when the next issue of QHB
>hits the streets next week.  Goes hand-in-hand with this Starter
>Kit.  Homebrewers will really like it.  Can't say anymore at the moment.
>PPS: As mentioned, QRP Homebrewer #6 is in the final stages of editing and
>will be going to the printer this week.  It's a *fabulous* issue containing
>12 different projects concerning antennas, PSK31, debugging, equipment,
>homebrewing, pcb's, and more.  We know you'll like this issue!  (But only if
>you've recently renewed ... many subscriptions ran out with the last issue.
>Check your last mailing label to see if you have any issues remaining in
>your subscription, or ask me for your QHB status.)

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