[HQRP] Re: 2N2-40 Yahoo user group

Janzer, Mark MJanzer@arcadis-us.com
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 10:25:51 -0600

Correction, K8IQY, sorry, but I seemed to have stepped on superman's cape.

-----Original Message-----
From: Janzer, Mark [mailto:MJanzer@arcadis-us.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 11:18 AM
To: hqrp@stevens.com
Subject: [HQRP] 2N2-40 Yahoo user group

If you have not seen this already (for example, Unca Zed, K5ZTY, has), here
is the Yahoo, 2N2-40 construction users group. Jim Kortge, K8IGY is a
regular contributor.  No Radio Shack slamming, nor name calling either.

Mark, K5MGJ

Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 20:07:06 -0400
From: John Wagner <john@wagner-usa.net>
To: unlisted-recipients:; (no To-header on input)
Cc: Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
Subject: [105681] Re: 2N2/40 Build Project

Just so we don't leave anyone out;

The group building this radio is using a Yahoo mailing list and web site
to communicate and support this project. To use the website, you must be
a Yahoo member - the address of the site is:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/2n2-40/ - if you plan on building with us,
plan on joining Yahoo and using this website. We have over 90 people in
the group, so mailing files out individually would be tedious otherwise.
There is no intended slight or anything at QRP-L - having a dedicated
list and site allows us to keep the theme centered and all of our files
and updates in one place. 

To join the mailing list for the group, you DO NOT have to be a Yahoo
member. However by not joining, you will not have access to the files
nor will you have the ability to search the archives of the mailing
list. To join the list via email only, send a blank message to:
2n2-40-subscribe@yahoogroups.com - you will get a reply from Yahoo to
which you must reply to in turn. The 2n2/40 mailing list is not
moderated but it is for use in discussing and supporting the Fall 2001
build of the 2n2/40 radio only.

We are assembling various pieces and parts at this time. There are some
group buys going on already. We have 41 people presently buying parts
and most of us doing bulk purchases have been planning on buying parts
for 50. If you do join and state you want to be included in the bulk
purchase please do so only if you fully intend to build the radio. We've
done a fair bit of planning and re-doing some bulk orders will be needed
if we have to support many more people. Also, please research the
archives of the group before firing off questions on the group buys as
most of them have been announced.

Thanks to everyone for their interest in building this great radio.

73 de John, N1QO

"Paul Harden, NA5N" wrote:
> Gang,
> There are some ongoing efforts to orchestrate a step-by-step build of
> Jim Kortge's (K8IQY) now famous 2N2/40 rig.  For those unfamiliar with
> this, it is a 40M transceiver built entirely from 2N2222 transistors, a
> few toroids, etc.  No NE612's or other IC's.  It is built "Manhattan
> Style," meaning the components are soldered to small copper clad pads
> glued to a 4x5" piece of copper clad.  An easy way to build a rig entirely
> "from scratch," and a rig many will tell you is a GREAT performer as well.
> The original construction article was published in Norcal's QRPp, the
> Winter 1998 issue (available from NorCal in their annual QRPp reprints,
> see the NorCal website).  Or the complete article is also available in a
> 66-page, spiral bound book for $12, which INCLUDES the postage to US/VE
> from:
>   Quicksilver Printing
>   P.O. Box 757
>   Socorro, New Mexico 87801
> Originally, the AZ ScQRPions and the IAQRP club made screened copper clad
> boards available that easily marks where the pads should be glued and the
> components located.  That is being evaluated now for incorporating the
> couple of mods that have come along, and an updated version may be
> available soon.  Stay tuned to QRP-L for details.
> If you have ever wanted to build a QRP transceiver totally from scratch,
> I would recommend you participate in this.  It is my understanding that
> step-by-step building procedures, tutorials and checkouts will be
> conducted on QRP-L.  You can't go wrong with previous builders, the
> designer and others intimate with the 2N2/40 all here to help you out.
> More details coming along shortly.
> 72, Paul NA5N

John Wagner - john@wagner-usa.net
Web page: http://www.neknetwork.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Manuel (N5EM) [mailto:n5em@flash.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 2:33 PM
To: hqrp@stevens.com
Cc: hats@stevens.com; rmg@clarc.org; g@flash.net
Subject: [HQRP] Time to Network!


Time to get that old job networking going.  The "Company" is about to 
non-exist.  Probably be a couple of weeks or so.  Any leads for an old 
telecom guy would be appreciated.  And, NO, I don't want to ever see a 
sales person again - friends with amateur licenses excepted :-)

Ed, N5EM

who may suddenly get a few amateur projects finished.
Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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