[HQRP] Boy Scout JOTA in Sharpstown Area of Houston, Texas

Rick Hiller rhiller@sysdev.com
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 08:22:58 -0500

Hello, all,

I got word last night that the JOTA  operation (October 20,21) for Troop 80 
in Sharpstown has been approved and we have been given the go ahead to 
utilize the Troop 80 Scout House all weekend.

If you would like to participate, at any level, please send me a note so 
that I can add you to the growing list of participating hams.

Although some of the areas of amateur operation maybe covered already, we 
are still looking for additional help in the areas of HF SSB and CW, 
Satellites, digital modes, ATV, and vhf/uhf repeater operation.

Estimates are that we will have between 30 and 50 scouts over the course of 
the weekend, as a Troop 80 campout and merit badge weekend is being held in 
conjunction with JOTA.

Reply to this address....thanks and regards....Rick...W5RH

ps....forward this to whomever you like...spread the word

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