[HQRP] Prop Needed

Glen Reid k5fx@arrl.net
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 15:07:03 -0500

Our AQRP UK rep, G3MFJ, Graham is looking for a telephone to be used as
a prop in a production of "Plaza Suite".  The perfect thing would be a
rotary dial (you all remember those) in black or avocado green that has
an intact bell.  IT doesn't need to work but it needs to ring.

I thought I had the correct instrument, but I guess it has gone away
from me over the years.

If anybody has one Graham can use, let me know and I will make
arrangements to get it across the pond.


GLEN (Just call me "BUCK") REID
Austin, Texas

The difference between stupidity and genius is that...
genius has its limits.
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