[HQRP] QRPp - One page article issue.

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 14:03:52 -0500


Here is your chance to gain fame (sorry, no fortune attached).  I know that 
a bunch of you have something you could knock out for a one-page article 
for QRPp.  Word is super easy to setup for this.  Drawings can be done and 
imported.  Need some help just buzz me.  If you want my Word document with 
all the margins and heading ready to go, just ask.  I can't attach it and 
send to the list but will for anyone who wants.  Need Microsoft Word 97 to 
use mine - or just do it yourself!

Let's get a few from Houston in this issue!

>Date:   Tue, 16 Oct 2001 13:46:56 -0700
>Reply-To: ki6ds@dph.dpol.net
>Sender: owner-qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU
>From: "Doug Hendricks" <ki6ds@dph.dpol.net>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: One page article issue.
>X-To:   <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
>I am thinking about doing an issue of QRPp that would be full of 1 page only
>articles.  Let me explain.  Wouldn't it be neat to have an issue where all
>the articles are only one page in length.  The only rule would be that it
>had to relate to QRP.   Are you guys up for it?   You can be a published
>author in QRPp, and be famous.  You can write a short construction article,
>your favorite hint or kink, a report on QRP event that you went to.  A Qrp
>contest that you worked.   A favorite QRP contest.  A story about meeting a
>famous guy like George Dobbs or Tony Fishpool.   Building a kit like
>JayBob's Tuna Tin II.  Going to a Flying Pigs QRP Club meeting, operating
>QRP mobile.  Etc. Etc.   Ok guys.  You need some guidelines.  Set up your
>word processor for Arial Font, 10 pt. type.  The page size is 5.5" x 8.5",
>and the margins are .625" on the sides and top, and .75" on the bottom.
>All text and drawings need to fit on that one page.  Start the article with
>by your name & call
>your address
>city, state & zip
>Article text:
>Please send your articles to me at ki6ds@dph.dpol.net or ki6ds@dospalos.org
>with One page article in the subject line.   Thanks for your help.  This
>should be fun.  72, Doug

Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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