[HQRP] November Meeting HQRP Club

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 12:41:38 -0500


Time to start thinking about our November meeting.  Third Saturday of the 
month is November 17th.  We will be meeting at the Houston Arboretum as 
before.  Directions are on the webpage http://www.hqrp.stevens.com/ .  I've 
copied the Austin club and the Houston ATV club in case there are folks 
there that would be interested in the topic of the month.

I would like to invite anyone who is using Antenna Modeling software to 
give us a presentation.  I know that I'm trying to learn this tool and the 
learning curve is steep!

If you are doing this today, consider doing a presentation.  It doesn't 
have to be complicated or long.  Just show us a couple of things you have 
learned and help get the rest of us going.

In case you didn't know, you can download EZNEC for Windows by Roy 
Lewallen, W7EL as a demo version at 
http://www.eznec.com/index.shtml.  Throw it on your notebook computer and 
bring it to the meeting.

If anyone has access to a notebook projector, that would be helpful.

Any other ideas for the meeting would be welcome.  What do YOU want to see?

Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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