[HQRP] Help With Ten-Tec 1320

Pat J. Whelton pwhelton@hal-pc.org
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 15:44:45 -0600

I wonder if there is anyone in the Houston area that is technically inclined and would be willing to help troubleshoot the QRP rig I've just completed (a Ten-Tec 1320 20 meter QRP transceiver)?  

Two obvious problems follow:

1.  After hot gluing and candle waxing the VFO toroid in place it has AGAIN shifted frequency.  I've learned to live with this and I'm convinced this is a part of the conspiracy Ten-Tec has against us.

2.  L7 (receiver front end) is very sensitive and must constantly be peaked, touched and generally screwed with to get the receiver to rise above the noise level.  This is probably a bad solder joint but before I take everything apart in order to resolder I've learned to live with this as well.

The big problem follows:

The power output does not appear to be right.  Why?  Because I haven't made any contacts.  The only power meter I have is a Drake WH7 wattmeter I used in a former life (late 70's and early 80's).  The output barely registers on the 20 watt range of the Drake wattmeter and I can get no indication of forward or reflected power for SWR.  Since this is my first venture into QRP it could be a simple matter of not using a QRO wattmeter to measure QRP.  I've squeezed the spacing together on toroids L8, L9 and L10 hoping that would do the trick but it didn't help.  I have an OLD R392 receiver that I used for tuning and it's loud there but it's like six feet away across the room.

I'm just getting back into the hobby after about a 20 year layoff.  I used to be into DX in a big way and now that the QRP bug has bitten I thought I'd go to low power DX'ing.  I'm in the Sharpstown area.

Thanks, 73's es DX
Pat - KZ5J

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