[HQRP] December Meeting

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Tue, 04 Dec 2001 09:51:25 -0600


OK - I have complied a list of a few antenna design programs that I can 
demo at the December meeting (in the absence of YOUR suggestions).  This 
list includes:
"Antenna", MLoop31, PCAAD21 and Yagimax.  I will also look at the programs 
in the ARRL Antenna CD.  What I don't have are programs that have price 
tags associated :-)

There is still time to step forward and volunteer.  Else, you have to 
listen to me for the whole time.

Still plenty of time.  Also, if anyone has a projector available that they 
can bring to the meeting, please sing out!

Ed, N5EM

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