[HQRP] YES: Saturday's Meeting is ON! Read Carefully!

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:57:57 -0600

Gang.  We had two members step forward and volunteer facilities for 
Saturday's meeting!  Both Rick Hiller, W5RH and Howard Leverenz, AC5VF said 
they could accommodate the meeting.

Since Rick had some time constraints due to another obligation on Saturday, 
we will be meeting at Howard's place of work.  In case you have trouble 
finding the location, I'll be monitoring 146.52 direct.  Just give a call 
if you are in doubt.


Howard Leverenz, AC5VF

RadiSys Corporation
5959 Corporate Drive
Houston, Texas 77036

Between Bellaire and Harwin just East of the West Belt (Hwy 8).  It is a 
large, mostly brick building which is 3 stories high. It is on the east 
side of the street.


Park in small parking lot on Corporate Drive.
Enter building
Give my name (Howard Leverenz with RadiSys) to the person at the desk and 
tell them to call me at extension 314 in the conference room we will meet in.

They will give you a visitor badge and call me.
I will come out and get you.

Howard Leverenz
Staff Design Engineer
RadiSys Corporation
713 541 8200 x118

Additionially, Howard has made arrangements for a projector so we will be 
able to do the presentation very well.  Remember, the meeting topic is 
"Antenna Design Software".  I will have a number of these programs on my 
notebook to do brief demos.  I will have a handout available that will give 
you the information on the various programs.

See you there.
Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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