[HQRP] Re: Elmer needs help! (teaching CW)

K5BDZ@aol.com K5BDZ@aol.com
Sun, 30 Dec 2001 02:03:21 EST

<I've committed myself to elmer a CW class starting in January.   It's been a
while since I've done this (70's) so I'm looking for ideas or if someone has
a sucessful class stratedgy in recent use, perhaps you will share it with
Bill - WA7TQK>

My most successful method of teaching CW (off and on for 30 years) is to 
encourage the students to S-P-E-L-L   O-U-T  T-H-E  W-O-R-D-S  
C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-L-Y  when sending the code...from beginning start until they 
are over 25 wpm.  In the classroom and Especially when they get on the air.  
(I still do just that in all my QSO's and my speed is over 55 wpm on a good 
day...usually 25 to 35 wpm)

I find this not only keeps them from worrying about some "made up" 
abbreviation of others, it ALSO allows them to anticipate easy words, relax 
and let their mind catch up to be ready for the next "unknown" character.

Also, as we progress past 8 wpm, I use a programmable keyer (AEA CK-1) that 
allows me to key in the code speed desired.  Sooooo, as we are sending over a 
30 minute period, I creep up the code speed about 1 wpm every other 

I also instruct my class to relax, don't worry about copying every character, 
just enough to understand what is being sent.  Of course, about 11 wpm I send 
them geographical locations, i.e.  Constantinople, etc...Hi!

One more method..the Bell Curve...10 minutes "on," 5 minutes "off" until they 
learn the code and are trying to converse via CW with each other.

Fun brings relaxation...relaxation brings better retention...and hence faster 
code speeds...and a great enjoyment of CW for now as well as the future.

GOOD LUCK!   If you need code tapes, I probably have a few I'll donate, 
provided you pass them along when you "retire" from teaching CW.  Let me know.

Bill K5BDZ
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