[HQRP] January Meeting

Ed Manuel edmanuel@directvinternet.com
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 17:02:32 -0600

QRPer's of the world (well, Houston anyway)

So far, the only request for a topic to be discussed at the January meeting 
is an in-depth discussion of the operation of the FT-817.  Seems some of 
you actually haven't bought one and are thinking about it.

OK, OK, not an entire meeting, just 20 minutes or so.  So, any other 
volunteers to bring in and discuss a favorite topic?  We need two or three 
more to have a really great meeting.  Anybody got their 2N2-40 working and 
ready to show off?

Heck, even Henry is planning to come, right Henry?  Else, we may have a 
nice BLT Tuner for a door prize.


I've tentatively enrolled Bill Hickock K5BDZ to come to the February 
meeting and do a presentation on his recent post "JunkBox Antenna Baluns vs 
Chokes".  He even promises some freebies (pay heed, you hard to get to come 
members out there).

At the February meeting we are also planning to present the topic of 
learning to use EZNEC again for those who missed it previously and begged 
for a repeat.  Make your plans now!  If you have a favorite antenna you 
have done in EZNEC send in the file and we'll have it on the computer to 
discuss.  I'd like for this to cover about half of the February 
meeting.  Any other topics for that one?  Start making your suggestions.

There is no doubt that everyone seems to enjoy the meetings when we have 
interesting, formal programs ready.  So, give me a hand in lining them up.


Monday, December 31st is the last day Alex will have City Electronic Supply 
open.  That's right.  Gone forever - a Houston ham landmark.  Why not make 
a special effort to drop by there and tell him how much you have 
appreciated having his store around.  And while you are at it, you might 
just score a few bargains!

Ed, N5EM

Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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