[HQRP] HQRP Meeting - Good Stuff

Pat J. Whelton pwhelton@hal-pc.org
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 14:35:34 -0600

HQRP Meeting Attendees.  Just wanted to express my appreciation for your
hospitality at this morning's HQRP meeting.  What an eye opener.  Ham Radio
has come a LONG way in the last couple of years.  The talk on the FT-817 was
fascinating and a wonderful display of what all can be crammed into such a
small package.  I wasn't real enamored at the radio with the little red self
destruct button.  With my memory I would forget what it was for and things
could get real messy.  Thanks again and take care.

Pat - KZ5J


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