[HQRP] Fwd: Austin SwapNet 10/06/02
Ed Manuel
Tue, 08 Oct 2002 16:06:05 -0500
> Remember, AARC has moved to 3rd Tuesday. ATV club is now on 2nd Tue!
> Oct 15th AARC presentation: Web technology, security and an update on
>the new club website- www.AustinHams.org. Presenting will be Scott
>Chrestman- KD7LCU and members of the website development team.
> Lots of Ham activities to get involved with in the local and not-so-
>local area! Check out www.wcarc.com for details on Outlaw 100 bike race.
> TCARES has asked for volunteers to help with a large-scale Simulated
>Emergency Test involving ARES, City, State and Federal agencies. This is
>during normal working hours on Thursday, Oct 17 from noon til 7PM. Contact
>Lee W5LHC@arrl.net or Don AC5YK@arrl.net to sign up or for information.
>Positions assigned on a first come first served basis; based on skills
>and experience. The SET will include bus riders, ARCHES, additional
>EOC's, addtional facilities. This translates into we need a lot of
>operators! See www.tcares.org for more details.
> To recognize Veterans Day and General Curtis E. LeMay's birthday this
>year, the Strategic Air Command Memorial Amateur Radio Club (SACMARC) Will
>be operating K=D8GRL on November 11th, 2002 from 1200 hours to 2400 hours=
>(UCT). The station will operate in the General phone bands on or near to
>the following frequencies ending in 47 (for 1947 when the Air Force became
>a single entity) 3.947, 7.247, 14.247, 21.347, & 28.347, whichever band
>seems to be open best to most locations. Also look for us on 51.47MHZ.
>You should also listen to the 3905 Century Club WAS Net in the evening.
>Please visit the SACMARC web site at www.sacmarc.org. Contact information
>and mailing address are listed there also. Please include an 'SASE' with
>your QSL card. K=D8GRL is also good in the current call book and on=
> Darwin Piatt W9HZC, President SACMARC.
> The newly introduced WR-G303i is the world's first dedicated shortwave
>receiver on a PC card. It is also the first commercially available
>receiver where the entire final intermediate frequency stage and an
>all-mode demodulator are entirely executed in software, running on a
>personal computer.
>73,N2ZVV and N5XWB
> A few sad notes to relay:
> Bob Oliphint W5GYB passed away this past Thursday as a result of
>complications due to Diabetes. His wife, Gean KD5GYF and many of us
>who knew the big friendly guy will greatly miss him. The funeral was
>Sunday, Oct 06 at Cook Walden Funeral Home.
> Kerryn Bisset- wife of Alan Wormser, N5LF passed away Friday Oct 4.
>She had suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease for 18 months. Memorial
>Service in Austin will be in Late October/Early November.
>Details to be announced soon.
>Official New meeting schedule- Furr's Cafeteria 2525 W. Anderson Ln.:
>1st Tue ARO 7-8:30
>2nd Tue ATV
>2nd Tue? AARC officers meeting 6PM (may change)
>3rd Tue AARC 7-8:30 -PLEASE NOTE- 3rd Tue!
>2nd Sat QRP 11:30-1PM
>3rd Sat QCWA 11:30-1PM
>4th Mon TCREACT 7-8:30
>4th Wed Packet SIG 7-8:30PM
>5th Tue TCARES 7-8:30
> If you're not an ARRL member and are considering it, AARC/ARO will waive
>your first year's AARC dues if you sign up for ARRL membership through the
>club! Contact Don AC5YK@arrl.net for more details.
>After-school Amateur Radio instruction-Roger W5WIA 453-2193 leave a msg
>Ham Radio Breakfast- Waterloo Ice House 8600 Burnet Rd Sat 7-8:30AM
>Ham Radio Lunch- "Who's On 1st?" Walsh-Tarlton 11AM-12:30 Thurs 444.1
>ARES Lunch- Weds 11:30-1PM Jim's N. I-35 - S of St. John's 146.94/147.36
>ARO 1st Tue 7:00PM- Furr's in Northcross Mall
>AARC 3rd Tue 7:00PM- same Furr's -PLEASE NOTE CHANGE- 3rd Tuesday!
>TCARES 5th Tue 7:00PM- same Furr's
>Austin Packet Group SIG 4th Wed 7:00PM- same Furr's
>AQRP 2nd Sat 11 AM same Furr's as above 263-5700 or k5fx@arrl.net
>QCWA meeting 3rd Sat 11AM-1:30PM same Furr's
>TCREACT 4th Mon 7:00PM- same Furr's
>QCWA QSO NET Sat mornings 9AM local 3920Kcps Austin Chapter 67
>WCARC 1st Thurs G'town ISD office on Lakeway Dr. WCARES 2nd Thur RR Fire #1
>BCARC- 1st Sat eat 6PM- meet 7PM La Caba=F1a on 71 just west of Smithville
>WCARC breakfast Sat 7AM Monument Caf=E9 Austin Ave- north of Candle Factory
>Bastrop County breakfast Sat 7:45AM Smithville's Caboose Restaurant
>CTDXCC 4th Mon 6:45PM Old Quarry Lib. Far West near Post Ofc.=
>ARES Sunday VHF nets: BCARES- 6:45PM 145.35(114.8PL)/443.75,
> TCARES- 7:30PM 147.36(131.8PL), WCARES- 8PM 145.13, 145.73 ARES packet
>State-wide ARES net on 3873kHz Mondays 7:30PM right after Tx Traffic Net
>Hays Co. ARES net Monday 6:45PM 147.14(+)
>Trader's Net Fri 7:30PM 3870kHz
>Texas Traders Trader's Net Sunday 9AM 7245kHz
>Continental Trader's Net Sun 7PM 3922 www.3922group.com/hamfest.html
>Texas Traffic Nets (Daily) 7290, 7285, 3935, 3873, 147.10(+)
> **Mark your calendars for Swapfests/Events:**
>Upcoming Events Calendar- Coming soon on www.AustinHams.org
>Regular Tailgates and exam sessions:
> 1st Sat- Dallas Tx Jim Geer WB5LXZ jbgeer@swbell.net
> 3rd Sat- Ft Worth Tandy lot- 1mi W of Main St @ Terminal/Blue Mound
> 4th Sat- McKinney, Tx Ed Padget KK5WT@arrl.net
> Quarterly 3rd Sat- Humble/Kingwood Tx Herb KF9RX@pdq.net 145.430(-)
>ARRL Exams 1st Sat Murchison 9AM Joe N5SMN 832-0450 / Joe W5HS 345-0800
>W5YI Exams 3rd Sat St Edwards 2PM Moody Hall Jim AB5EK@arrl.net 327-6184
> ***2002***
>Oct 12 Denton County ARA www.dentonhamfest.org
> Randy Wooten, KD5KJZ@yahoo.com 940-566-7973
>Oct 17 noon-7PM. Austin SET (Simulated Emergency Test) Contact
> Lee W5LHC@arrl.net or Don AC5YK@arrl.net to sign up or for=
> Positions assigned on a first come first served basis; based on=
> and experience. The SET will include bus riders, ARCHES, additional
> EOC's, addtional facilities. This translates into we need a lot of
> operators! See www.tcares.org for more details.
>Oct 19 Boy and Girl Scout Jamboree on the Air (JOTA)
> www.arrl.org/FandES/ead/jota.html
> www.bsa.scouting.org/international/jota.html
>Nov 1-2 Odessa West Texas Amateur Radio Club
> Holiday Inn Center, Hwy 80 in Odessa
> VE testing will be available at the event
> www.wt5arc.com/fest.htm
>Nov 1-2 Baton Rouge ARC Hamfest- Baker, La. Opens to public 5PM Fri/7AM Sat
> Baker Civic Auditorium 3325 Groom Rd Friday Setup 11AM
> FCC forum with Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH
> Herb W5LSU 225-654-6087 fax- 225-654-5730 800-256-FEST
> www.brarc.org W5LSU@worldnet.att.net
>Nov 9 Gathering of Memories Airshow in San Marcos- W5CAF special event
> To volunteer for comms or Special Event- email n5mnw@arrl.net
> Airshow info- www.realtime.net/centex/
>Nov 9 South Texas ARC 4th Annual Coastal Bend Area Hamfest
> Corpus Christi, Texas - Corner of Port and Leopard, off IH-37
> Tailgate in Frost Bank parking lot. Forums & VE testing inside
> FREE BBQ served at 11:30am to 12:30pm 147.060 (107.2 tone)
> Steve Hampton, N0WZH@arrl.net 361-242-3282
> www.starc-corpuschristi.org
> ***2003***
>Jan 11 San Antonio Swapfest03
> Little Joe's Country Gold, 7405 Old Pearsall Rd. San Antonio
> Royce KA5OHJ swapfest03@juno.com 210-680-0432
>Jan 18 Arlington Winter-Comm 2003 and VHF-FM Society Winter Meeting
> 8AM-4PM University of Texas Arlington - Neederman Hall
> www.wintercom.org/ reservations- nb5x@itexas.net
>Feb 2 Georgetown Sunday Swapmeet San Gabriel Park Exams- 8:30A.M.
> Setup 10AM open at 12noon-3PM Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 n5mnw@arrl.net
>Feb 8 Landing Zone Class (helicopter rescue) 9AM Shoreline Christian Ctr
> Dan KC5SWU Motorcycle Special Event Team contact@mset-tx.org
> Home: (512) 280-6702 Pager: (512) 307-8301 www.mset-tx.org
>Feb 16 Motorola Marathon- Martin KM5CT@arrl.net
> APRS/packet and voice ops needed to track race and buses
>Mar 15 Brenham ARC
> Dan Lakenmacher, N5UNU 979-836-8739 llakenmacher@yahoo.com
> www.alpha1.net/~barc
>Apr 5 Belton Ham Expo - Mike LeFan, WA5EQQ Register on the website!
> hamexpo@tarc.org www.tarc.org
>May 3-4 Key City ARC West Texas Section Convention
> Peggy Richard, KA4UPA 915-672-8889 ka4upa@arrl.net
>Jun 20-22 Arlington Ham-Com ARRL National Convention
> Maury Guzick, W5BGP 214-361-7574 chairman@hamcom.org
> www.hamcom.org
>Jul 19 Sherman North Texas Hamfest
> Gene Hodge, K5DPS 903-893-6082 kc5aft@gte.net
> http://home1.gte.net/wb5dcu/nortex00.html
>Aug 1-2 Austin Summerfest West Gulf Division Convention
> Austin ARC, Austin Repeater Org., & Texas VHF-FM Society
> Joe Makeever, W5HS 512-345-0800 w5hs@arrl.net
>Official Austin Ham Home on the web (ARO & AARC) LOTS of links!!
> www.AustinHams.org
>FCC Amateur Radio Website- http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/amateur/
>If you have submissions for the ARO website- www.AustinHams.org
>Please email Jeff N5MNW@arrl.net
>The following is generated from a 2m voice net held every Sunday at 9PM
>on the ARO 146.940 repeater in Austin, TX, and is a 25-year tradition!
>Postings expire after six weeks.
>You may copy or forward as you wish. Please give proper acknowledgements.
> Please send SwapNet Newsletter updates to: n5mnw@arrl.net
>Be sure to include your name, callsign and phone number.
>6-Oct Austin SwapNet Have List Area code 512 unless indicated
> p =3D pager c =3D cellphone * =3D call before 9PM
>Name Call Phone Description
>------ ------ --------- ----------------------------------------
>Bob WB5AOH@arrl.net 797-4732 3 VGA/2-3 CGA mons- $5-$10 Red Cross=20
>Rick W5JAZ 795-0985 PK232mbx w/TAPR 9600bd satellite modem
>Rick W5JAZ r.lawn@mail.utexas.edu TenTec 6m xverter (20m), MFJ949C HF=
>Jack W5NSQ texasslim2000@yahoo.com Contact Jack via email- hearing=20
>Jack W5NSQ email pls Kachina computer HF xcvr, MFJ Big Loop ant
>Jack W5NSQ email pls VHF xcvr, Heavy duty 12v PS
>Todd N5RVD 303-7482h 442-5626w 3 sect Rohn 25G and 8' top sect
>Roger WD5FFY 263-8382h 417-3610c Ten Tec 540 HF rig w/digi=20
>Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 Kenwood PS-50 P/S- matches TS140/430/440 rigs=20
>-rough $75
>Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 IC751 allmode HF rig w/intPS/freq ctl pad $600
>Jeff N5MNW@arrl.net Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack OEM disks=20
>w/certificates $45
>John K5JVC 989-8421 Ysu FT-817 QRP rig HF-70cm w/box/docs/<1 yr old=
>Dave WA5TEZ 288-2017 vintage sig gens: HP608 10-480MHz $40, URM25B=20
>Dick KD5VU@qsl.net 327-9566 Kalmus 40dB 1-200MHz 25W amp- reqs 28V
>Tod N5XUD 264-0501 Tokyo HY-Power HL-90U 70cm allmode amp 12Win80W=
>out $125
>Tod N5XUD 264-0501 Tri-ex W-36 tower with all parts except base. =
>Tod N5XUD 264-0501 Alliance rotator HD-73 $100
>Tod N5XUD tgrubbs@austin.rr.com 70cm ATV beam ant $50 New
>Buck K5FX 263-5700 For the young man who bought 10 meter Realistic=
>Buck K5FX@arrl.net from me at the 2001 Georgetown Swap- I have=20
>found the book
>Watt N5NF 346-2030 Ysu XF115C 500hz Collins filter for FT847 and=20
>others $75
>Watt N5NF 346-2030 Comet CFX514 triplexer $45
>MrsKitts nocall 255-6314h kkkitts@aol.com Kwd TS-930S HF xcvr $300
>MrsKitts nocall 217-1298c 40' Tower w/KLM Beam Antenna $100 -you take down
>Craig K5XOR 426-3180 Ysu FT817 QRP HF w/SSBfilt/1800mAbatt/Super MP1=
>Craig K5XOR 426-3180 /portable 40-80m ants/LDGZ11 QRP tuner/more- all=
>Gary KE5BZ 794-0003 Butternut HF5V "Butterfly" 5-band 10-20m beam
>Dallas KD5SBY 244-3528 Uniden BC144XL 16ch base scanner w/manl/ACadapt=
>Keese K5BCQ 258-4282 Butternut HF5V-III 5 band vert w/30m/160m kits=
>Keese K5BCQ 258-4282 Hy-Gain OMNI DX-88 8 band vertical $150
>Keese K5BCQ 258-4282 Hustler 6BTV 5 band vertical plus 30m $100
>Keese K5BCQ 258-4282 ROHN HDBX-48 Tower- 6 sects- no base- will=20
>deliver $300
>Keese K5BCQ 258-4282 Mosley Trap Master Model CL-33 beam $175
>Keese K5BCQ@arrl.net Cushcraft A147-11 11 element 2m beam $25
>Jim N9EX 321-4444 Sullivan "Co-pilot" 1/4 corner desk unit=20
>w/tilt/manl $90
>Nick W5FUA 327-4147 FREE- 30' Spaulding tower on ground to first=
>Amateur Radio!
>Bob N5KF 244-7178h 3BR,2BTH,2 car garage- 1400sf in South Creek=20
>Bob N5KF 728-0011w Includes 40' self supporting tower with HF/VHF=
>Bob N5KF@aol.com for more info: www.n5kf.com/home
>6-Oct Austin SwapNet Want List Area code 512 unless indicated
> p =3D pager c =3D cellphone * =3D call before 9PM
>Name Call Phone Description
>------ ------ --------- ----------------------------------------
>Joe KF5MC 243-2289 Vacuum pump of desoldering station bought at=20
>Joe KF5MC@flash.net
>Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 Power supply assembly & svc manual for IFR A-7550
>Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 R/S WX200 Accuweather control box
>Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 Service manl- Kenwood D7A
>Jeff N5MNW 255-6753 0.206" 90 degree angle Drake mic plug
>Jeff N5MNW@arrl.net 5V 4Amp filament transformer
>Rick K5FNI 303-5250 QEX issues July/August, Sept/Oct 2001 &=20
>Mar/April 2002
>Charles K5HQR 255-3932 celbel@tstar.net 70cm Yagi >3elements
>Dale W5LN 459-1460 Sony MZB100 or MZB3 digi recorder
>Jesus KD5BSR 373-2523 Scanner & triband HT
>Sergio KM5CU 260-5073 40m novice-band xtals for QRP oscillator
>Dallas KD5SBY 244-3528 dish300@hotmail.com 2m/70cm mobile rig
>Robert KC5BRZ 414-2380 Bowie HS Ham Radio Club- W5BHS -NEEDS STUFF!!!
>Robert KC5BRZ 414-2380 Any donations would be greatly appreciated and=
>Robert KC5BRZ 414-2380 Radios, antennas, cable, cash money
>Robert KC5BRZ 414-2380 All donations are tax deductable- tax season is=
>coming up!
>Robert KC5BRZ RoGreene@austin.isd.tenet.edu Thanks for your help
>Hugo N5JGX 459-7228 Charger for TH79- slow OK
>Jim N9EX 321-4444 Kwd VS-2 voice synth, ICOM FL53 or FL54 CW filt