[HQRP] New Antenna Principle or a lot of hot air?

Rick Hiller rhiller@sdicgm.com
Tue, 08 Jun 2004 14:58:11 -0500


That's Robert Vincent, K1DFT that did the work on this new antenna concept.

Question, Glen, you said.....

>The first article indicated that heating of the antenna was a problem in 
>early experiments, (even to the extent of destroying early 
>prototypes).  That sound like a very inefficient radiator.

What first article?  I do not get EE Times, so a reference or copy would be 


Rick Hiller    W5RH
Harris County     Houston, Texas

Antennas....How can a simple piece of wire cause so much confusion,
dilemma, quandary, and question and, yet, create so much pleasure ?
                                                         copyright W5RH 2002  

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