[HQRP] More On Field Day Equipment

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Sun, 13 Jun 2004 21:45:45 -0500


I am putting together gear for QRP via satellite.  Working the FM hamsats is
a QRO endeavor during Field Day, thus our system will focus on Fuji and AO-7
for CW and SSB.  The antenna system will feature a Yaesu rotator system from
George, and the gear will likely be my FT-817 and an ICOM 706.  Bands and
antennas will be 10M, 2M and 70cm.

I hope to have John WA5WOD's air-conditioned camper in tow.

I am also getting some solar panels together to put on the batteries during
daylight hours.

But First HAMCOM!

C U there & 72,

Andy W5ACM

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