[HQRP] Fw: W5ACM - ARRL FD 2004 Submission

Andy MacAllister w5acm@swbell.net
Sun, 25 Jul 2004 23:49:08 -0500

Check it out!
Here's what has been submitted to the ARRL:

----- Original Message -----=20
From: <w5acm@swbell.net>
To: <fieldday@arrl.org>; <w5acm@swbell.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:39 PM
Subject: W5ACM

>                          ARRL Field Day Entry Form
> Datestamp: 2004-07-25 21:39:43
> Confirmation: f93811a15a3aa333
> Call Used: W5ACM     GOTA Station Call: (none)     ARRL/RAC Section: =
STX     Class: 2A
> Participants: 10     Club/Group Name: Houston QRP Club
> Power Source(s): Battery
> Power Multiplier: 5X
> Bonus Points:
>   100% Emergency power                            200
>   Satellite QSO completed                         100
>   Natural power QSOs completed                    100
>   Submitted via the Web                            50
> Total Bonus Points                                450
> Score Summary:
>                   CW  Digital  Phone  Total
>    Total QSOs     59      0      22
>  Total Points    118      0      22    140   Claimed Score =3D 700
> Submitted by:
> Andrew C. MacAllister, W5ACM
> Andrew C. MacAllister W5ACM
> 14714 Knights Way Drive
> Houston, TX   77083-5640
> E-mail: w5acm@swbell.net
> Comments:
> SUPER outing with excellent WX, in spite of the potential for =
flooding!  Highlight of the event was to work Mike NA1SS on the =
International Space Station!
> Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
>                CW          Digital      Phone
>             QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)
>       160m                                      =20
>        80m                                      =20
>        40m   54      5                          =20
>        20m    3      5                  6      5=20
>        15m                              4      5=20
>        10m                                      =20
>         6m                                      =20
>         2m                                      =20
>       1.25                                      =20
>      Other                                      =20
>  Satellite    2      5                 12      5=20
>       GOTA                                      =20
>      TOTAL   59            0           22
> Supporting documentation for Bonus Points will be sent via e-mail to: =

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