[HQRP] FW: [vusat] Some changes at QRZ.COM

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Fri, 13 Aug 2004 08:13:12 -0500

Andy W5ACM

-----Original Message-----
From: RAY (VU3ORN) [mailto:vu3orn@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 4:52 AM
Subject: [vusat] Some changes at QRZ.COM


Some major changes are taking place at the very popular QRZ.com ham radio

Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ, who runs the QRZ.com website has announced major changes
in access to posting access site.  This, for registered users whose login
user name is not the same as their  ham radio callsign.  

Basically, Lloyd says that only contributors who have legitimate ham radio
calls will be permitted to post material to most areas of the website.  To
accomplish this Llloyd says that he has created two levels of membership.
One called Ham is for those who want to use their call sign as registration
login.  The other will be the Guest member for those who may not have a call
or who simply prefer not to use it.

Those who have a call and use it for login purposes will have full read and
write access to all public Q-R-Z forums, plus the ability to make changes
and/or additions to listings in the callsign database.  Guest level members
will be limited to posting on the sites Help Forum, the For Sale Forums, and
the Questions and Answers Forum.  These people will have no access to
callsign database editing functions.  

QRZ.com has also instituted several rules to help keep order and decorum at
the site to make it enjoyable for the majority of those signing on. Among
these are the right to terminate the current and future membership status of
any user who engages in the harassment of any other user, staff member, or
volunteer of this system or the use of any information derived from the
website that contributes in any way to  unsolicited e-mail of any kind.
Also banned is the posting of obscene or offensive material on the site and
QRZ managers say that they reserve the sole right to determine what is
either offensive or obscene.

The site will shortly begin converting current members to the new system.
If you are currently signed up using your call sign as your logon I-D you
need do nothing.  For those who are not, QRZ we will be assigning new login
names to those current members who are apparently licensed amateurs.  The
new logon name will be the same as the callsign that is listed in the QRZ
call sign database as the 'Primary Callsign' for that account.  Each user
who is subjected to a name change will be notified via e-mail at the address
we have on file for that user.  Names that cannot be associated with a
callsign will be assigned to the Guest level of membership.

Lots more about the changes are on the QRZ.com website under the title QRZ
System Announcement.  Lloyd and the managers at QRZ  say that they hope that
these hanges will improve the website for everybody.  (QRZ.com)

Ray (VU3ORN)
New Delhi, India.

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