MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Tue, 17 Aug 2004 01:31:16 -0500

Fellow Ballonatics!

It's time for the Final BLT-20 Integration Meeting at the Secret BLT Lab in
Sugar Land (310 Lombardy).  Talk-in is on the 146.70 MHz repeater.

Are we ready??

Airport reservation?
FAA Notification?
Helium on order?
New Balloons in hand?
Payloads ready?
Batteries prepped?
Parchutes packed?
Area repeaters confirmed?
Cut-down systems ready?
Ground-support reception gear tested?

Check your check lists!

Charlie K5ENG did a preliminary run on the flight path.  It showed 5.7 miles
at 88 degrees.  This will change, but Charlie is testing the software and
getting it ready...

Launch is 10 AM THIS Saturday!!

To The Edge of Space!!

Andy W5ACM

Pictures from the July 28, 2004, Integration Meeting have been posted.

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