[HQRP] FW: [ARS-Notice] September Spartan Sprint Results

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:28:21 -0500

It was a Most Excellent Sprint!

-----Original Message-----
From: adventureradiosociety-announcements-bounces@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:adventureradiosociety-announcements-bounces@mailman.qth.net] On
Behalf Of adventureradiosociety-announcements@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 6:47 AM
To: adventureradiosociety-announcements@mailman.qth.net;
Subject: [ARS-Notice] September Spartan Sprint Results

Results of the September 2004 Spartan Sprint

It was a record breaking month!

Excellent conditions and lots of activity led to excellent scores.  We have
new all-time scoring record at 144 QSOs.  In the Skinny Division it took 200
points per pound to win.  Excellent performances all around!

Dave NJ4X, our Tubby winner, put it best:
"The SPARTAN SPRINTS have come a LONG way since 1996 and it's great to work
maturing gang who know how to roll the Q's"

It seems 40 meters was just as hot as 20 meters and actually produced a few
contacts more than 20.  80 meters and even 15 meters were represented this

Although the log total of 85 was down by 11 from last month, we have a new
all-time record of 3397 total QSOs, bettering the old record by more than
contacts.  Here's the band statistics:
Band     This Month     Last Month
80M -         184         108 QSOs
40M -        1606        1094 QSOs
20M -        1603        1143 QSOs
15M -           4           0 QSOs
10M -           0           0 QSOs
Total -      3397        2345 QSOs

Skinny Winners -
Doc K0EVZ was the skinny winner with 200 points per pound.  That's 112
on two bands with a setup weighing just over half a pound.

Phil K4PQC was weighed in at under a quarter pound and took second with 37
Jeff K9ESE took third at over half a pound and 88 contacts on 40 meters.

Tubby Division Winners -
Dave NJ4X won the Tubby division with an all-time record breaking score of
contacts.  He amassed 82 contacts on 40 meters, 52 on 20 meters, and 10 on
meters.  New antennas helped.  This is a great rate even though Dave asked
lots of repeats on some contacts to make sure his exchange information was
right.  Congratulations to Dave and everyone he worked.

Jim WA9TZE turned in a fine score of 128 contacts for second place and was
closely followed by N6RO in third at 123 QSOs.  Either of those scores would
have won most months.

Single Band Entry Winners -
Phil K4PQC was top single band Skinny on 40.  Al K0FRP/4 was top single band
Tubby, also on 40.

Late Logs -
Last month Ken WA8REI had 52 contacts from a manmade scenic overlook,
Michigan, 100' above flat terrain.  Nick WA7IVO had 19 QSOs, Paul K1CGZ had
and Steve KD1JV had 11 with his AT Sprint 3 prototype.

Special Recognition, Outside Operation -
There were 13 outside operations reported this month with a real variety of

I was operating portable this month....and from batteries.  Everything
seemed to
work excellently.  And the outdoors location was at least an S-unit quieter
my home QTH.

I operated outside this month and the rig is an AT Sprint II running off of
Li-Poly batteries. Antenna is an Inverted L supported by two 20 foot Black
fishing poles duct taped to fence posts. My paddles are made out of plastic

Operated from front porch - temp 72 F and 100% humidity.

K0AV and K0EX
WX was absolutely perfect.  Band condx were really good!
(Editor Note - Photos of this operation will be on the web page.)

Was outdoors in beautiful weather at a park in Portland, OR.

An hour before the Sprint, I launched my 11-foot delta kite and nursed it to
about 1000 feet above the QTH here.  I used the kite to support a 50-foot
vertical for an outdoor effort in the contest.  What an adventure!

It was a beautiful evening, so I set up Field Day style in my yard.

Outdoor station on Tiger Mtn, WA. Used headlamp to hike back to truck. Many
mushrooms, and fungus. I also saw a Newt.

Set up in my front yard with cable running into the house to the antenna

I set up in the back yard using a KX1 and a MFJ screwdriver antenna.

Set up in the usual outdoor spot: Point Defiance Park- at picnic table on
above Puget Sound- to improve antenna for outdoor QRP use. This'll be my
outdoor picnic table sprint due to darkness at 7:30 PM and cool WX- which
some of my CW shakey.

It was a nice tropical afternoon here, but cloudy, so not too hot to sit

Operated /mm from inflated Sevylor kayak in swimming pool.

Late Logs -

Each contact received one point.  If you didn't tell us the weight of your
station, or if your station weighed more than 30 pounds, we assigned a
weight of
30 pounds.

The soapbox is published separately in the August issue of The ARS Sojourner
which comes out soon.  Don't miss it!  www.ARSqrp.com

We hope everyone had a good time.  See you in October!

THE SKINNY DIVISION (results sorted in the order of points per pound)
Call       80M     40M     20M     15M     10M     Points  Weight    Points
K0EVZ       0       51      61      0       0       112     0.56      200
K4PQC       0       37      0       0       0       37      0.225     164.44
K9ESE       0       88      0       0       0       88      0.57      154.39
KD1JV       0       19      0       0       0       19      0.162     117.28
N7OU        0       27      49      0       0       76      0.94      80.85
W6EU        0       47      61      0       0       108     2.1       51.43
WA8BXN      10      13      9       0       0       32      0.625     51.2
K0FRP/4     0       49      0       0       0       49      1         49
W5ACM       0       10      22      0       0       32      0.97      32.99
KD5UDB      0       14      13      0       0       27      1         27
N6IZ        0       22      33      0       0       55      2.1       26.19
AA4XX       0       14      0       0       0       14      0.56      25
NØTK        0       23      27      0       0       50      2.2       22.73
N3AO        0       27      15      0       0       42      1.9       22.11
N0EVH       0       10      12      0       0       22      1.08      20.37
AF4LQ       0       41      0       0       0       41      2.5       16.4
WA8REI      3       26      9       0       0       38      2.6       14.62
AD6GI       0       1       20      0       0       21      1.5       14
W0UFO       0       24      37      0       0       61      4.5       13.56
WA9TGT      15      17      0       0       0       32      2.5       12.8
W5KDJ       0       3       20      0       0       23      2         11.5
K0AV        0       37      52      0       0       89      8         11.12
K4AVX       24      19      0       0       0       43      4         10.75
K3ESE       9       34      34      0       0       77      7.5       10.27
N7CQR       0       0       11      0       0       11      1.1       10
W4NJK       0       2       7       0       0       9       0.92      9.78
AC0S        0       4       17      0       0       21      2.19      9.59
WF4I        0       12      12      0       0       24      2.74      8.76
KF0N        0       7       12      0       0       19      2.21      8.6
W9FNB       0       12      8       0       0       20      2.5       8
N4HAY       0       44      17      0       0       61      8         7.62
W0NTA       0       36      56      0       0       92      12.2      7.54
VE3ELA      7       12      7       0       0       26      4.1       6.34
KE0G        9       26      30      0       0       65      11        5.91
W9TO        0       10      5       0       0       15      2.6       5.77
N0AR        0       22      13      0       0       35      6.5       5.38
W1PID       0       6       9       0       0       15      2.8       5.36
N7RVD       0       11      49      0       0       60      12        5
NJ4X        10      82      52      0       0       144     30        4.8
N0IBT       0       11      20      0       0       31      6.5       4.77
KA3WMJ      4       17      14      0       0       35      7.5       4.67
AK0M        5       24      17      0       0       46      10        4.6
KR4WI       0       19      4       0       0       23      5         4.6
KD7GIM      0       6       0       0       0       6       1.4       4.29
WA9TZE      12      61      55      0       0       128     30        4.27
N6RO        4       38      81      0       0       123     30        4.1
W3HQ        0       10      0       0       0       10      2.5       4
N9NE        18      70      32      0       0       120     30        4
WB4X        6       13      10      0       0       29      8         3.62
K7TQ        0       41      58      0       0       99      30        3.3
K3TW        12      60      24      1       0       97      30        3.23
K7RE        0       38      59      0       0       97      30        3.23
WI2T        0       6       0       0       0       6       2         3
K4BAI       5       47      31      0       0       83      30        2.77
N4BP        0       7       74      0       0       81      30        2.7
AA1OF       0       0       3       0       0       3       1.19      2.52
KW4JS       0       0       6       0       0       6       2.49      2.41
W5RXP       0       0       7       0       0       7       2.9       2.41
N9QIL       0       6       0       0       0       6       2.68      2.24
W0EB        0       17      5       0       0       22      10        2.2
K2EKM       10      10      12      1       0       33      15.87     2.08
N2CQ        0       15      43      0       0       58      30        1.93
K3NG        0       9       47      0       0       56      30        1.87
KC0DD       0       4       2       0       0       6       3.5       1.71
AI4BJ       3       4       5       0       0       12      7         1.71
W7SW        0       13      33      0       0       46      30        1.53
AE6N        0       2       0       0       0       2       1.48      1.35
AE7RW       0       8       5       0       0       13      10        1.3
AH6RE       0       0       10      0       0       10      9         1.11
K6UIZ       1       6       25      1       0       33      30        1.1
K8KFJ       13      10      10      0       0       33      30        1.1
K5JHP       0       15      16      0       0       31      30        1.03
K6LG        2       13      14      1       0       30      30        1
N8WE        0       0       2       0       0       2       2         1
K4AQ        2       18      3       0       0       23      30        0.77
K6EU        0       7       15      0       0       22      30        0.73
WA7IVO      0       14      6       0       0       20      30        0.67
W5EEX       0       0       19      0       0       19      30        0.63
KL7IDY      0       0       16      0       0       16      30        0.53
K6IA        0       8       7       0       0       15      30        0.5
VE3XT       0       13      1       0       0       14      30        0.47
K6RPN       0       1       11      0       0       12      30        0.4
N9RY        0       0       12      0       0       12      30        0.4
W9UQB       0       1       10      0       0       11      30        0.37
W1OH        0       5       0       0       0       5       25        0.2

THE TUBBY DIVISION (results sorted in the order of points)
Call       80M     40M     20M     15M     10M     Points
NJ4X        10      82      52      0       0       144
WA9TZE      12      61      55      0       0       128
N6RO        4       38      81      0       0       123
N9NE        18      70      32      0       0       120
K0EVZ       0       51      61      0       0       112
W6EU        0       47      61      0       0       108
K7TQ        0       41      58      0       0       99
K3TW        12      60      24      1       0       97
K7RE        0       38      59      0       0       97
W0NTA       0       36      56      0       0       92
K0AV        0       37      52      0       0       89
K9ESE       0       88      0       0       0       88
K4BAI       5       47      31      0       0       83
N4BP        0       7       74      0       0       81
K3ESE       9       34      34      0       0       77
N7OU        0       27      49      0       0       76
KE0G        9       26      30      0       0       65
N4HAY       0       44      17      0       0       61
W0UFO       0       24      37      0       0       61
N7RVD       0       11      49      0       0       60
N2CQ        0       15      43      0       0       58
K3NG        0       9       47      0       0       56
N6IZ        0       22      33      0       0       55
NØTK        0       23      27      0       0       50
K0FRP/4     0       49      0       0       0       49
W7SW        0       13      33      0       0       46
AK0M        5       24      17      0       0       46
K4AVX       24      19      0       0       0       43
N3AO        0       27      15      0       0       42
AF4LQ       0       41      0       0       0       41
WA8REI      3       26      9       0       0       38
K4PQC       0       37      0       0       0       37
N0AR        0       22      13      0       0       35
KA3WMJ      4       17      14      0       0       35
K2EKM       10      10      12      1       0       33
K6UIZ       1       6       25      1       0       33
K8KFJ       13      10      10      0       0       33
WA9TGT      15      17      0       0       0       32
W5ACM       0       10      22      0       0       32
WA8BXN      10      13      9       0       0       32
K5JHP       0       15      16      0       0       31
N0IBT       0       11      20      0       0       31
K6LG        2       13      14      1       0       30
WB4X        6       13      10      0       0       29
KD5UDB      0       14      13      0       0       27
VE3ELA      7       12      7       0       0       26
WF4I        0       12      12      0       0       24
W5KDJ       0       3       20      0       0       23
K4AQ        2       18      3       0       0       23
KR4WI       0       19      4       0       0       23
W0EB        0       17      5       0       0       22
N0EVH       0       10      12      0       0       22
K6EU        0       7       15      0       0       22
AC0S        0       4       17      0       0       21
AD6GI       0       1       20      0       0       21
WA7IVO      0       14      6       0       0       20
W9FNB       0       12      8       0       0       20
W5EEX       0       0       19      0       0       19
KD1JV       0       19      0       0       0       19
KF0N        0       7       12      0       0       19
KL7IDY      0       0       16      0       0       16
W1PID       0       6       9       0       0       15
K6IA        0       8       7       0       0       15
W9TO        0       10      5       0       0       15
VE3XT       0       13      1       0       0       14
AA4XX       0       14      0       0       0       14
AE7RW       0       8       5       0       0       13
K6RPN       0       1       11      0       0       12
N9RY        0       0       12      0       0       12
AI4BJ       3       4       5       0       0       12
N7CQR       0       0       11      0       0       11
W9UQB       0       1       10      0       0       11
W3HQ        0       10      0       0       0       10
AH6RE       0       0       10      0       0       10
W4NJK       0       2       7       0       0       9
W5RXP       0       0       7       0       0       7
WI2T        0       6       0       0       0       6
KC0DD       0       4       2       0       0       6
KD7GIM      0       6       0       0       0       6
KW4JS       0       0       6       0       0       6
N9QIL       0       6       0       0       0       6
W1OH        0       5       0       0       0       5
AA1OF       0       0       3       0       0       3
AE6N        0       2       0       0       0       2
N8WE        0       0       2       0       0       2

Adventure Radio Society