[HQRP] FW: [ARS-Notice] October Spartan Sprint Results

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Thu, 7 Oct 2004 08:34:56 -0500

Not as hot as last month, but great fun on 40M this month!
72 de Andy W5ACM

-----Original Message-----
From: adventureradiosociety-announcements-bounces@mailman.qth.net
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Behalf Of adventureradiosociety-announcements@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 6:49 AM
To: adventureradiosociety-announcements@mailman.qth.net;
Subject: [ARS-Notice] October Spartan Sprint Results

Results of the October, 2004 Spartan Sprint

40 Meters was the hot band this month, followed by 20M.  80M is showing 
increased activity now that quieter conditions are on the way.

81 logs were received this month, down 3 from last month.  The band
break down as follows:

Band     This Month     Last Month
80M -       202           184 QSOs
40M -      1352          1606 QSOs
20M -       928          1603 QSOs
15M -         5             4 QSOs
10M -         0             0 QSOs
Total      2487          3397 QSOs

Skinny Winners -
Congratulations to this month's winner K4PQC, who made 32 contacts (0.225 
lbs)-all on 40M.  Second place went to KD1JV with 25 contacts (0.2 lbs)-who
also operated 40M exclusively.  Third place was snagged by K0EVZ with 67
contacts (0.556 lbs) split between 40M and 20M.

Tubby Winners -
N6RO was in a league of his own with his three band (80, 40, 20) effort,
netting 121 contacts.  N0AX and WD7Z also broke into the Century Club,
slugging it out for their respectively close second and third place

Special Recognition, Outside Operation -

Annorexic AT Sprint 2. 2W wid 9V battery  "88" EDZ up 25 feet.  Might have
done better had 40M held up longer. After the first hour, only made a few
contacts. Last sprint from the summer QTH up on the hill with the good

FT-817, 5 watts, 20, 40 and 80 m. inverted vees.  PORTABLE OPERATING QTH: 
Doddridge/Tyler County lines near Deep Valley, WV.  S-8 noise on 80 m.  Not
as many stns heard this month.  Gorgeous QTH in the foothills of the
Appalachians.  73, 72, and oink-oinks to all!  --Ken

KX1 and 25' long wire ( with 2 radials)  Just had to share with you all some
fun I had on Monday. I had a free day, so I thought I'd combine my two
favorite hobbies-fly fishing & radio. In the fall the weather here in Oregon
is perfect, and a good time to fish as the tourists, rafters & schoolkids
are gone :). I went to the Deschutes river in central Or ( near Maupin, for
those who know). It's a world class fly fishing river, and the weather was
right at 75 F. So, I fished into the early evening with mixed results (not
much rising) and then threw up a wire in the trees along the river to see if
I could get some 'rises' on 20M for the Spartan sprint. Here I am in my
waders shooting a line in the tree with my slingshot/reel combo, truly 'tree
fishing'.The KX1 with the tuner made quick work of a 25' long wire.The bands
were hot, and I always forget how noise-free it is away from civilization.
So, I got some nice catches on the bands under the stars, if not from the
river.Best was KH6B in Hawaii on 20. Got a little chilly as night fell, but
the radio did a great job, and even tuned up the short wire on 40 after 20
died for some more qsos.The little led 'log light on the KX 1 was very handy
as it got dark pretty quick in the river canyon.It doesn't get any better
than this! I was thinking about 'wading mobile' this morning; I could use a
graphite rod with a wire line, and ground plane would be great as I'm in the
water already. Rig the KX1 to my vest...casting for the 'big ones' :)

Rig was Elecraft K1 with 33 foot vertical wire antenna on fishing pole mast.

This month we operated portable at the Lake of the Ozarks, in central
Missouri. The K1 and gell cell battery put us into the "tubby" category, but
conditions were pretty good.  Worked coast to coast, plus KH6 from the
portable station! Not too bad.  72 and CU next month.  Dave  W0CH

Rig: KD1JV ATS-2 at 2 Watts to a Par Electronics EF-20/40 (end-fed 1/2 wave
for 20 & 40) in a tall oak tree by the campsite.   Operated portable from a
trailer campsite in Morrow Mountain State Park in the Uwharrie Mountains
(Central NC). I used only the Par Electronics vertical for 20/40 (no tuner
needed) but wished I had something for 80.  Both 20 and 40 were EXTREMELY
long with just other 2 W4 QSO's on 40.  We had extreme QSB on local signals
and I had to work AF4LQ in KY twice to finally get everything logged.  I
have a feeling 80m would have been good but had no antenna.  This was not a
particularly good radio location but we had the entire campsite to ourselves
and the deer.  Beautiful cool, clear weather amidst a tall hardwood forest
just beginning to show color against the sparkling blue sky overhead.  Wow!
Most Patience - W0RSP on 40m running 1W from SD...took several tries before
I finally copied everything.  Best DX - KH6ZM on 20 and VA7ST on 40.  (Total
S/P/C = 21)  Best Ears - N0AX on both 20 and 40.  I was amazed when Ward
came right back to me on 40 with no hesitation, even though he was quite
weak here. Strongest - NK9G and N9NE on 40m from Wisconsin...who says WI is
a black hole? Finally! - A 2-way Sprint QSO with Steve KD1JV on 40m using
his ATS-3 and my ATS-2.  Thanks to all for a fun event as always.  73, Bill

All contacts were on 20 meters tonight. I worked my Icom 746 @ 5 Watts with
my High Sierra Screwdriver Antenna. The signals on 20 meters were good and
clear, but the noise on 40 meters was bad.

Elecraft K2 #3421 - 5W to a long Buddipole (~25 ft) in the front yard up 10
ft. The radio was powered off of a 12Ah 'MityMite' jump starter. I had a
late start, but it was still worth it. I was blown away with how far I was
getting out tonight. For a while, I was running one contact after another -
it was fantastic! Thanks for the great time guys, and I look forward to
seeing you next month.

Lyndel N7LT had 58 contacts in September on 40 and 20 meters.

Each contact received one point.  If you didn't tell us the weight of your 
station, or if your station weighed more than 30 pounds, we assigned a
weight of 30 pounds.

The soapbox will be published separately in the October issue of the ARS 
Sojourner which comes out soon.  Don't miss it!   www.ARSqrp.com

We hope everyone had a good time.  See you in November!

Skinny Division Results:

Call       80M     40M     20M     15M     10M     Points  Weight Points Per

K4PQC       0       32      0       0       0       32      0.225     142.22
KD1JV       0       25      0       0       0       25      0.2       125
K0EVZ       0       37      30      0       0       67      0.556     120.5
N4BP        0       57      38      0       0       95      1.13      84.07
W4ZV        0       27      7       0       0       34      0.59      57.63
W6EU        0       45      20      0       0       65      2.1       30.95
N0EVH       0       16      12      0       0       28      1.02      27.45
W5ACM       0       14      9       0       0       23      0.95      24.21
N6IZ        1       28      28      0       0       57      2.9       19.66
AD6GI       0       14      13      0       0       27      1.5       18
WA8REI      13      20      7       0       0       40      2.6       15.38
W1PID       0       4       7       0       0       11      0.8       13.75
W2NED       0       9       4       0       0       13      1         13
N7CQR       0       9       5       0       0       14      1.1       12.73
AF4LQ       0       29      0       0       0       29      2.5       11.6
N0TK        1       26      21      0       0       48      4.5       10.67
W1MT        0       5       2       0       0       7       0.681     10.28
WA0ITP      0       3       2       0       0       5       0.51      9.8
W9LR        2       12      5       0       0       19      2.1       9.05
K3ESE       15      31      21      0       0       67      7.5       8.93
W9FNB       8       14      0       0       0       22      2.5       8.8
W0NTA       0       67      32      0       0       99      12.2      8.11
K5JHP       0       16      2       0       0       18      2.6       6.92
NK9G        1       66      0       0       0       67      10        6.7
KM0U        1       14      11      0       0       26      4.7       5.53
K9EW        0       15      4       0       0       19      3.9       4.87
W2LJ        10      10      4       0       0       24      5.8       4.14
N6RO        6       52      63      0       0       121     30        4.03
WB4X        12      13      6       0       0       31      8         3.88
KH6B        0       0       16      0       0       16      4.2       3.81
KE0G        0       31      8       2       0       41      11        3.73
N0AX        0       51      60      0       0       111     30        3.7
K6XR        0       19      25      0       0       44      12        3.67
WD7Z        0       58      51      0       0       109     30        3.63
KA3WMJ      7       11      9       0       0       27      7.5       3.6
N0AR        3       29      6       1       0       39      11        3.55
K2EKM       2       3       2       0       0       7       2.03      3.45
W0UFO       0       52      14      0       0       66      20        3.3
N9NE        17      49      28      0       0       94      30        3.13
K3TW        8       60      20      0       0       88      30        2.93
WA9TZE      41      19      25      0       0       85      30        2.83
AA5CK       0       6       8       0       0       14      5         2.8
KI0II       1       3       4       0       0       8       3         2.67
K4BAI       13      47      12      0       0       72      30        2.4
WB8RTJ      14      25      19      0       0       58      30        1.93
K6IA        0       6       13      3       0       22      12        1.83
K7HBN       0       12      38      0       0       50      30        1.67
N4CU        0       5       5       0       0       10      6.5       1.54
W7SW        1       21      22      0       0       44      30        1.47
W0CH        0       26      13      0       0       39      30        1.3
K3NG        0       2       36      0       0       38      30        1.27
KH6HE       0       0       3       0       0       3       2.6       1.15
W1RT        16      8       4       0       0       28      30        0.93
K6LG        1       3       8       0       0       12      13        0.92
K5NZ        0       0       9       0       0       9       10        0.9
K8KFJ       9       13      4       0       0       26      30        0.87
K7MO        0       11      14      0       0       25      30        0.83
AC5K        0       12      13      0       0       25      30        0.83
K0EX        0       20      3       0       0       23      30        0.77
KB7MBI      0       16      4       0       0       20      30        0.67
KD7GIM      0       0       13      0       0       13      20        0.65
K6UIZ       0       0       16      0       0       16      30        0.53
W8YMO       2       6       7       0       0       15      30        0.5
VE3XT       0       13      1       0       0       14      30        0.47
AA0NI       0       14      0       0       0       14      30        0.47
W5YR        0       7       7       0       0       14      30        0.47
K6DGW       0       8       5       0       0       13      30        0.43
KL7IDY      0       4       7       0       0       11      30        0.37
W5EEX       0       0       11      0       0       11      30        0.37
AB4VF       0       0       2       0       0       2       6         0.33
K6RPN       0       10      0       0       0       10      30        0.33
AA4XX       0       10      0       0       0       10      30        0.33
W1OH        0       1       6       0       0       7       25        0.28
K8WDN       0       4       4       0       0       8       30        0.27
NV9Z        0       0       7       0       0       7       30        0.23
K1CGZ       0       2       5       0       0       7       30        0.23
G3NYY       0       7       0       0       0       7       30        0.23
N8WE        0       1       3       0       0       4       30        0.13
AL7FS       0       0       1       0       0       1       8         0.12
K7ESU       0       0       2       0       0       2       30        0.07
K3AS        0       1       0       0       0       1       30        0.03

Tubby Division Results:

Call       80M     40M     20M     15M     10M     Points
N6RO        6       52      63      0       0       121
N0AX        0       51      60      0       0       111
WD7Z        0       58      51      0       0       109
W0NTA       0       67      32      0       0       99
N4BP        0       57      38      0       0       95
N9NE        17      49      28      0       0       94
K3TW        8       60      20      0       0       88
WA9TZE      41      19      25      0       0       85
K4BAI       13      47      12      0       0       72
K0EVZ       0       37      30      0       0       67
K3ESE       15      31      21      0       0       67
NK9G        1       66      0       0       0       67
W0UFO       0       52      14      0       0       66
W6EU        0       45      20      0       0       65
WB8RTJ      14      25      19      0       0       58
N6IZ        1       28      28      0       0       57
K7HBN       0       12      38      0       0       50
N0TK        1       26      21      0       0       48
K6XR        0       19      25      0       0       44
W7SW        1       21      22      0       0       44
KE0G        0       31      8       2       0       41
WA8REI      13      20      7       0       0       40
W0CH        0       26      13      0       0       39
N0AR        3       29      6       1       0       39
K3NG        0       2       36      0       0       38
W4ZV        0       27      7       0       0       34
K4PQC       0       32      0       0       0       32
WB4X        12      13      6       0       0       31
AF4LQ       0       29      0       0       0       29
W1RT        16      8       4       0       0       28
N0EVH       0       16      12      0       0       28
AD6GI       0       14      13      0       0       27
KA3WMJ      7       11      9       0       0       27
K8KFJ       9       13      4       0       0       26
KM0U        1       14      11      0       0       26
K7MO        0       11      14      0       0       25
KD1JV       0       25      0       0       0       25
AC5K        0       12      13      0       0       25
W2LJ        10      10      4       0       0       24
W5ACM       0       14      9       0       0       23
K0EX        0       20      3       0       0       23
W9FNB       8       14      0       0       0       22
K6IA        0       6       13      3       0       22
KB7MBI      0       16      4       0       0       20
W9LR        2       12      5       0       0       19
K9EW        0       15      4       0       0       19
K5JHP       0       16      2       0       0       18
KH6B        0       0       16      0       0       16
K6UIZ       0       0       16      0       0       16
W8YMO       2       6       7       0       0       15
VE3XT       0       13      1       0       0       14
N7CQR       0       9       5       0       0       14
AA0NI       0       14      0       0       0       14
W5YR        0       7       7       0       0       14
AA5CK       0       6       8       0       0       14
KD7GIM      0       0       13      0       0       13
W2NED       0       9       4       0       0       13
K6DGW       0       8       5       0       0       13
K6LG        1       3       8       0       0       12
W1PID       0       4       7       0       0       11
KL7IDY      0       4       7       0       0       11
W5EEX       0       0       11      0       0       11
N4CU        0       5       5       0       0       10
K6RPN       0       10      0       0       0       10
AA4XX       0       10      0       0       0       10
K5NZ        0       0       9       0       0       9
K8WDN       0       4       4       0       0       8
KI0II       1       3       4       0       0       8
K2EKM       2       3       2       0       0       7
NV9Z        0       0       7       0       0       7
W1OH        0       1       6       0       0       7
W1MT        0       5       2       0       0       7
K1CGZ       0       2       5       0       0       7
G3NYY       0       7       0       0       0       7
WA0ITP      0       3       2       0       0       5
N8WE        0       1       3       0       0       4
KH6HE       0       0       3       0       0       3
AB4VF       0       0       2       0       0       2
K7ESU       0       0       2       0       0       2
K3AS        0       1       0       0       0       1
AL7FS       0       0       1       0       0       1

Adventure Radio Society