[HQRP] Report on HQRP October Meeting and HQRP Fall QSO Party Participat ion

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 10:34:07 -0500

Attendance was light at the last HQRP meeting, but at least we were back in
the easy-access, first-floor meeting room at the Red Cross facility.


I brought some copies of QST from 1932.  This started some interesting
"glowbug" discussions ranging from rare WW2 tubes to regen receivers from
the 30's through the 60's.  I also brought a newly-made front panel for a
Knight Kit Ocean Hopper receiver.  This should be an easy and fun clone to
build - only three very common 7-pin tubes needed, with some great info on
the web and in the September, 2004 issue of "Electric Radio".  Dave Ishmael
WA6VVL (author of "Cleaning Up the Knight Kit Ocean Hopper") has been very
helpful with photos, schematics, drawings, etc. for the Ocean Hopper.


A new club "contest" was started at the October meeting with scheduled
completion and "judging" at the December meeting.  Everyone present was
given an Altoids tin.  All were asked to bring the tin back in December with
something in it.  This is a very open-ended show-and-tell-style event.
While some folks may decide to stuff an all-band, all-mode transceiver
inside, others might consider things like a portable LED field light, a
place for pencils, a battery pack, or just about anything that would benefit
a portable QRP station!  One suggestion was to refill with Altoids...  No...
More tins will be available at the November meeting for those that missed
out in October.


We discussed Henry's proposal for a club outing to put W5MSQ on the air for
the ARCI Fall QSO Party, and Ken's suggestion to do this from the Tom Bass
Park in Pearland.  It sounds great!  Tom Bass Park is located in the SE
quadrant of the intersection of 288 and Beltway 8.  For this HQRP activity,
we agreed that 9AM on Saturday, October 23rd, was the target start for us,
and that we would operate until 1 PM.  We need some commitments from YOU -
the club members - if this is to happen.  What do we need?  Very little. - a
20M QRP rig, a battery, a key and a dipole or vertical.  Anything else is
simply a bonus.  Will you be there?  Will we finally get W5MSQ on the air??
Please respond!


72 de Andy W5ACM

October HQRP Meeting Attendee



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