MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:03:33 -0600

Speaking of glowbug rigs...

I built and documented construction of prototype #2 of the HQRP HAMECO AC-1H
transmitter.  It took two evenings to get it all together and try to type in
the steps on the computer for the kit manual.  Rather than go back and check
my work, I went for the "SMOKE TEST" this evening.  There's good news,...
and good news!  No smoke leaked out.  No fuses blew.  The filaments lit
nicely, and it put out 8 Watts - no problem - using either the 35-year-old
U.S. 6V6 or the new Chinese 6V6.  Just to keep things interesting, I fired
up the BC-455 WW2 receiver, and called CQ.  First try (between the lightning
crashes) got N9YER in Chicago.  We had a nice QSO, and I had the first
contact with a HAMECO AC-1H !!

This is a solid and durable rig!  WN5ZIB built an AMECO AC-1 in 1969, and
now W5ACM (ex-WN5ZIB) has built a HQRP HAMECO AC-1H in 2004!!


72 de Andy W5ACM

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