[HQRP] See The HQRP HAMECO AC-1H In Action

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 00:34:02 -0600


I have posted a 1024x768 .jpg photo of the station here at W5ACM taken just
after the first successful AC-1H QSO, using prototype #2.  Signals on 7040
kHz were good in spite of the thunderstorms.  The antenna was an inverted
"V" hung from the chimney, and guyed to the fence and garage.  Power output
was 8 Watts, which is pretty much MAX for this rig.  The WW2 BC-455 did a
fine job as a companion RCVR for the AC-1H.  Check it out at:


72 de Andy W5ACM

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