[HQRP] FOX MosQRPitos SWAT team update

Janzer, Mark MJanzer@arcadis-us.com
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 10:00:51 -0600

Despite the debilitating affects of turkey and stuffing Thursday, the =
SWAT team racked up 6 pelts, Kip, N6NVP and Henry, W5HNS swept, while =
John K8WDN got the CO and I got the MI fox.
Our super top secret strategy, developed during intense discussions, =
seems to be paying some benefits (Henry had better not become a free =
agent).  As a result, we're having some good fun.  We're intending to =
further tweak our strategy, and attempt for an even funner time.
Mark, K5MGJ

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