[HQRP] E-Mail de Jeff WR2E RE HAMECO AC-1H 30-M QSO
MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU]
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 11:06:50 -0600
As with almost any project, there are challenges... Lee, Ken and others are
investigating current XTALs and chirp on the AC-1H. In the meantime, I have
been logging contacts and trying out "fixes" that have been proposed since
the AMECO AC-1 came out MANY years ago. It's getting better - a LOT
Here is e-mail from Jeff WR2E after the 1st 30-M QSO using the HQRP HAMECO
AC-1H Prototype #2 rig:
Andy, I enjoyed the QSO!
Greetings friends and club members!
My shack is in my garage, and it is getting cold up here.
I'm operating with my Carhart cover-alls on. The kerosene
heater sitting next to me is ticking as it's heating up.
Calling CQ, I hear a chirpy signal, off frequency a bit.
Not sure if he's calling me: QRZ DE WR2E K
Yep, I crank the RIT, but there's not enough range.
Where's my SX-28A when I need it ?
It takes me back about 35 years...
I expect to look over and see my trusty Johnson Ranger sitting
there, but no, just one of them new-fangled Kenwood rigs.
Ah well, there is some hope! The bug I was using was a 1924
Vibroplex Original.
THIS is real radio! Thanks!
Glad to be the first contact on 30 with the HAMECO!
73 de Jeff / WR2E
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