[HQRP] FW: [ARS-Notice] December Spartan Sprint Results

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 15:59:04 -0600

Check it out!

-----Original Message-----
From: adventureradiosociety-announcements-bounces@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:adventureradiosociety-announcements-bounces@mailman.qth.net] On
Behalf Of adventureradiosociety-announcements@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 10:02 PM
To: adventureradiosociety-announcements@mailman.qth.net;

Subject: [ARS-Notice] December Spartan Sprint Results

Results of the December 2004 Spartan Sprint

Stinko conditions!  "Conditions were ruff in the Heartland."  "Band
conditions were poor at best!"  "Everything was dead above 80 M."  "A
bizarre evening and my worst SP performance."  "All stations were weaker
than usual."  "As bad conditions overall as I have experienced in a Spartan
Sprint."   "Terrible conditions here." "It stunk."

Some places were a bit better, but the northern central and eastern states
had a very challenging evening.

Total logs this month were 60, down from 70 last month.  I'm amazed we got
that many.

Here's the band statistics:
Band     This Month     Last Month
80M -        284          539 QSOs
40M -        842         1133 QSOs
20M -         72           94 QSOs
15M -          0            3 QSOs
10M -          0            3 QSOs
Total -     1198         1772 QSOs

Skinny Winners -

Steve Weber KD1JV and his AT Sprint rigs should get the recognition for
winning this category even though he didn't turn in a log.  Steve's AT
Sprints took the first five places in the Skinny division.  Several were the
new ATS-III versions.  Steve has set the standard for trail-ready rigs that
retain competitive performance.

Phil K4PQC was top Skinny with 20 contacts and a weight of just over 2
tenths of a pound.  Phil used an ATS-I.

Paul AA4XX was just over a third of a pound with his new ATS-III and 23
contacts for second place.

Andy W5ACM also used an ATS-III for 26 contacts and third place.

Tubby Division Winners -

Jim WA9TZE had 110 contacts and walked away with top spot beating second
place by 35 QSOs!  I received additional information from Jim on his winning
"I broke my Log down a little bit and this is what I have. On 20m - 3
QSOs to PA, VA, SC for 3 states [very weak]. On 40m - got 24 states for 56 
QSOs - CA with 11 QSOs, TX with 9 QSOs, and CO with 7 QSOs and the rest were
1, 2, or 3 QSOs in the remaining states, but they were all over the country!
On 80m I had 23 states and 51 QSOs - WI with 8 QSOs, MN with 5 QSOs, and NJ
and PA with 4 QSOs each.  The rest were 1, 2, and 3 QSOs in the remaining 19
states and they also were spread all over the country.  Switching between my
E/W-N/S Slopppers helped me a lot picking up the weak ones."

Bob N4BP made the biggest overall total on 20 meters and even went to 80
meters to cinch second place with 75 contacts.

Tom K3TW used 40 and 80 to come in third at 59 QSOs.

Single Band Entry Winners -
Of those who only entered on one band, here are the winners by band:
Skinny Division
80 Meters - AB1AV  20 QSOs
40 Meters - K4PQC  20 QSOs
20 Meters - W5RH   14 QSOs

Tubby Division
80 Meters - AB1AV  20 QSOs
40 Meters - W0NTA  46 QSOs
20 Meters - W5RH   14 QSOs

Late Logs -
Doc K0EVZ's log arrived late last month.  He had 34 contacts at just over
half a pound and would have placed second.  This month Doc was fourth.

Special Recognition, Outside Operation -
While several considered, only Alan KB7MBI took the plunge.

First hour spent outside only to find out the SIERRA had a cold solder joint
in the 40m module. Well at 38 degrees, there were a lot of cold solder
joints in that radio. Moved indoors.

Each contact received one point.  If you didn't tell us the weight of your 
station, or if your station weighed more than 30 pounds, we assigned a
weight of 30 pounds.

The soapbox is published separately in the ARS Sojourner which comes out
soon. Don't miss it!  www.ARSqrp.com

Those who provided state or province information have it listed after their 

We hope everyone had a good time.  See you in January!

THE SKINNY DIVISION (results sorted in the order of points per pound)
Call (SPC) 80M     40M     20M     15M     10M     Points  Weight    Points
K4PQC-GA    0       20      0       0       0       20      0.206     97.09
AA4XX-NC    10      12      1       0       0       23      0.37      62.16
W5ACM-TX    0       25      1       0       0       26      0.475     54.74
K0EVZ       0       17      0       0       0       17      0.556     30.58
AB1AV-NH    20      0       0       0       0       20      0.69      28.99
WA1ZCB-FL   0       30      0       0       0       30      1.13      26.55
WA0ITP      0       8       0       0       0       8       0.5       16
W1MT        1       3       0       0       0       4       0.255     15.69
AE6N-AZ     0       28      0       0       0       28      1.87      14.97
W5ESE-TX    0       23      0       0       0       23      1.563     14.72
N7CEE       0       13      0       0       0       13      1.59      8.18
WA8REI      5       16      0       0       0       21      2.6       8.08
K1KID       21      1       0       0       0       22      3.8       5.79
N4HAY /NC   0       32      0       0       0       32      7         4.57
KI0II-CO    4       11      0       0       0       15      3.5       4.29
K5GQ        0       42      0       0       0       42      11        3.82
KH6B (HI)   0       6       10      0       0       16      4.2       3.81
W0NTA       0       46      0       0       0       46      12.2      3.77
WA9TZE-WI   51      56      3       0       0       110     30        3.67
K3ESE-MD    17      7       3       0       0       27      7.5       3.6
KW4JS       0       13      3       0       0       16      4.49      3.56
VE3ELA-ON   13      1       0       0       0       14      4.1       3.41
KE0G        13      15      0       0       0       28      11        2.55
N4BP        6       54      15      0       0       75      30        2.5
KT5V-TX     0       27      0       0       0       27      12        2.25
W1PID       2       0       0       0       0       2       0.9       2.22
W8VE        5       12      0       0       0       17      8         2.12
KA3WMJ-PA   10      3       2       0       0       15      7.5       2
K3TW-MD     15      44      0       0       0       59      30        1.97
N9NE-WI     23      28      3       0       0       54      30        1.8
K4BAI-GA    7       39      6       0       0       52      30        1.73
KD3FG-MD    8       6       3       0       0       17      10        1.7
AH6RE       0       5       4       0       0       9       7         1.29
K6IA-CA     0       8       1       0       0       9       7         1.29
K2EKM-VA    16      4       0       0       0       20      15.87     1.26
W7SW        0       36      1       0       0       37      30        1.23
K6YK-CA     0       30      1       0       0       31      30        1.03
W4NJK       0       1       0       0       0       1       1         1
AE5X        1       1       0       0       0       2       2         1
K7TQ        0       29      0       0       0       29      30        0.97
KB2FEL      20      8       0       0       0       28      30        0.93
NA8M-MI     4       5       0       0       0       9       12        0.75
VE3WMB-ON   0       1       0       0       0       1       1.4       0.71
K6RPN CA    0       17      0       0       0       17      30        0.57
W5RH        0       0       14      0       0       14      30        0.47
W1OH-MA     10      0       0       0       0       10      25        0.4
VE3XT ON    0       11      0       0       0       11      30        0.37
AF4PP-GA    2       9       0       0       0       11      30        0.37
KE5AKL      0       5       0       0       0       5       16        0.31
K4AQ        0       8       0       0       0       8       30        0.27
AL7FS       0       1       1       0       0       2       8         0.25
N6NVP       0       5       0       0       0       5       20        0.25
KB7MBI      0       7       0       0       0       7       30        0.23
W6ZIP       0       6       0       0       0       6       30        0.2
W1TF        0       4       0       0       0       4       30        0.13
WA9NPS-IL   0       2       0       0       0       2       30        0.07
WA4AAK-AL   0       1       0       0       0       1       30        0.03
N8WE        0       0       0       0       0       0       2         0
VE7REZ      0       0       0       0       0       0       13        0
WA1VGB-ME   0       0       0       0       0       0       2         0

THE TUBBY DIVISION (results sorted in the order of points)
Call (SPC) 80M     40M     20M     15M     10M     Points
WA9TZE-WI   51      56      3       0       0       110
N4BP        6       54      15      0       0       75
K3TW-MD     15      44      0       0       0       59
N9NE-WI     23      28      3       0       0       54
K4BAI-GA    7       39      6       0       0       52
W0NTA       0       46      0       0       0       46
K5GQ        0       42      0       0       0       42
W7SW        0       36      1       0       0       37
N4HAY /NC   0       32      0       0       0       32
K6YK-CA     0       30      1       0       0       31
WA1ZCB-FL   0       30      0       0       0       30
K7TQ        0       29      0       0       0       29
KB2FEL      20      8       0       0       0       28
KE0G        13      15      0       0       0       28
AE6N-AZ     0       28      0       0       0       28
KT5V-TX     0       27      0       0       0       27
K3ESE-MD    17      7       3       0       0       27
W5ACM-TX    0       25      1       0       0       26
AA4XX-NC    10      12      1       0       0       23
W5ESE-TX    0       23      0       0       0       23
K1KID       21      1       0       0       0       22
WA8REI      5       16      0       0       0       21
K2EKM-VA    16      4       0       0       0       20
AB1AV-NH    20      0       0       0       0       20
K4PQC-GA    0       20      0       0       0       20
K0EVZ       0       17      0       0       0       17
K6RPN CA    0       17      0       0       0       17
KD3FG-MD    8       6       3       0       0       17
W8VE        5       12      0       0       0       17
KH6B (HI)   0       6       10      0       0       16
KW4JS       0       13      3       0       0       16
KA3WMJ-PA   10      3       2       0       0       15
KI0II-CO    4       11      0       0       0       15
VE3ELA-ON   13      1       0       0       0       14
W5RH        0       0       14      0       0       14
N7CEE       0       13      0       0       0       13
VE3XT ON    0       11      0       0       0       11
AF4PP-GA    2       9       0       0       0       11
W1OH-MA     10      0       0       0       0       10
AH6RE       0       5       4       0       0       9
K6IA-CA     0       8       1       0       0       9
NA8M-MI     4       5       0       0       0       9
K4AQ        0       8       0       0       0       8
WA0ITP      0       8       0       0       0       8
KB7MBI      0       7       0       0       0       7
W6ZIP       0       6       0       0       0       6
N6NVP       0       5       0       0       0       5
KE5AKL      0       5       0       0       0       5
W1MT        1       3       0       0       0       4
W1TF        0       4       0       0       0       4
W1PID       2       0       0       0       0       2
AL7FS       0       1       1       0       0       2
AE5X        1       1       0       0       0       2
WA9NPS-IL   0       2       0       0       0       2
W4NJK       0       1       0       0       0       1
WA4AAK-AL   0       1       0       0       0       1
VE3WMB-ON   0       1       0       0       0       1
N8WE        0       0       0       0       0       0
VE7REZ      0       0       0       0       0       0
WA1VGB-ME   0       0       0       0       0       0

Adventure Radio Society

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