[HQRP] What's In Your Altoids Box?

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:58:20 -0600



Don't forget to bring your stuffed Altoids box to tomorrow's meeting (9AM
Red Cross Bldg on 59)!!


There have been some questions about valid entries for this "show and tell".

Here are some answers:


Yes, if you can get enough Wintergreen Altoids boxes, you can use them to
make a 160M vertical.


Yes, restuffing the tin with M&Ms is OK, but I will have to verify the


Yes, a solar-powered boat is a valid entry.


No, repacking with Cinnamon Altoids doesn't work.


Everyone votes - secret ballot - pick 2 "favorites".


72 de Andy W5ACM


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