[HQRP] [Fwd: [TxHam] CSHB 1148]

Glen Reid k5fx@arrl.net
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 23:22:58 -0600

I attended the committee hearing on HB1148.  Tom's email below very
accurately reflects the substitute bill.  So, there is no reason for me
to repeat it. 

If the CS is reported out of Committee, it will be important that we
watch to make sure the exemption remains in place.  I still think this
bill is an unnecessary intrusion on our property rights and a bad bill,
in general, but at least the CS will not burden most of us.

Thanks to all who have written and called so far.  Keep it up.


> I now have a copy of the (long awaited) Committee Substitute, which was provided
> to me by the Clerk of the Texas House County Affairs Committee.  It says:
>      Sec. 35.112.  APPLICABILITY.  This subchapter applies only to a person
>      proposing to construct a wireless communication facility in this state
>      for the purpose of doing business for profit through the wireless
>      communication facility.
> In my view, this excludes amateurs, and the non-commercial broadcasters as well.
> As for the others, the terms of the bill have been changed to read ... "a wireless
> communication facility that is taller than 100 feet and shorter than 200 feet..."
> It provides for notices of construction and marking of the facilities with "two
> markings" and "at least one light."  Commercial towers not used for more than two
> years must be removed if the land is sold.
>  --
>          Regards, TOM BLACKWELL, PO Box 25403, Dallas, Texas 75225
>       radio@airmail.net  ICQ: 3690882 http://web2.airmail.net/radio
>       Platform Committee: http://www.democrats.org N5GAR ARRL SGL-NTx
> ---
> Submissions txham@qth.net

...in the beautiful hill country of TEXAS...
Email:  k5fx@arrl.net

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