[HQRP] HQRP Meeting location

Janzer, Mark MJanzer@arcadis-us.com
Fri, 6 Jul 2001 14:00:23 -0600

Everybody, on both sides, seems really interested in this project, I've been
getting a variety of responses, some I have forwarded.

Three or four of their people will be meeting over the next week, or so, to
discuss the project. After which, they want to set up a meeting with us, to
communicate their goals, thoughts and needs. 

July is a busy month for the Arboretum folk, due to their summer camp
program and staggered vacation schedules.  So they would either want a
meeting on some weekday afternoon, or possibly in August (timed, maybe, to
coordinate with our regular HQRP meeting, likely at the Arboretum), when
things calm down.

So, for July at least, another location for the HQRP meeting would be

Meanwhile, I'm actually getting near to where I can finish the manual
I'm even going to give the cub fox hunt a try, flood or no flood.

Mark, K5MGJ
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