[HQRP] Newbie DXer needimg advice

Ron L. Sparks rls@sparkles.com
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 22:58:15 -0500

Thanks to the efforts of Ed N5EM and Mike WA5TWT I now have a station
on the air so that my one good hand can do some productive Ham radio
while the other one heals <hi,hi>.

I am new to DX though.  My second contact on the rig was a puzzler for

I made a very good (5-8) contact with a guy with a heavy spanish
accent.  He identified as ED8MCC in the Las Palomas Lighthouse.  After
the QSL I then went to QRZ.com and could find no listing for him.  The
ITU listing doesn't seem to show an ED8, but Spain is shown as

An internet search for Las Palomas lighthouse was ambiguous, but there
is one in Puerto Rico.

I guess I could have mistaken an H or A as an 8, but I didn't find a
call listed that way either and I was pretty sure about the 8 and he
QSL'ed when I repeated it to him.

What can I do now and how do I QSL?

Thanks in advance,

Ron, AG5RS

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