[HQRP] Small Wonders Labs - DSWII??

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Mon, 06 Aug 2001 10:04:58 -0500

Rumors about a new version of the DSW from Dave are true and described 
below.  (Oh, and BTW, I DID WIN the grand prize at Austin Summerfest!!!!!)

Ed, N5EM

 >----- Forwarded Message -----
 >From: "Dave Benson" <nn1g@earthlink.net>
 >To: "Bob Carlson" <n5rbebc@juno.com>
 >Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 19:16:02 -0700
 >Subject: Re: Gift certificate
 >Message-ID: <001e01c11e28$6afbda60$39e7d73f@pavilion>
 >No problem- glad I could help. :-)
 >Yeah- those rumors are getting pretty widespread <g>. I'm repackaging the
 >DSW into an equal-sized Lansing enclosure, the harnesses are disappearing
 >in favor of board-mounted controls/connectors- much easier for me to
 >produce that way. It should first hit the streets at Pacificon in
 >October. :-)
 >73- Dave
 >-----Original Message-----
 >From: Bob Carlson <n5rbebc@juno.com>
 >To: dave@smallwonderlabs.com <dave@smallwonderlabs.com>
 >Date: Sunday, August 05, 2001 12:23 PM
 >Subject: Gift certificate
 >Hi Dave,
 >I would like to thank you for the gift certificate you donated to The
 >Austin QRP club forum at Summerfest. I am sorry that I didn't win it
 >(REAL SORRY!), but I have built two of your kits so that will do for now.
 >Rumors are flying that there is a DSW II in the near future. Now we are
 >all going nuts trying to speculate what it is going to be! And here I
 >thought all this time, you were building a antenna farm at the new
 >Thanks again for the kind donation.
 >Bob Carlson N5RBE

Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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