[HQRP] Fwd: Solar/aurora update

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Mon, 01 Oct 2001 20:38:20 -0500

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, its alright . . . .
  (with apologies to the Beetles :-)

>Date:   Mon, 1 Oct 2001 18:37:22 -0600 (MDT)
>Reply-To: na5n@rt66.com
>Sender: owner-qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU
>From: "Paul Harden, NA5N" <na5n@rt66.com>
>To: "Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion" <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
>Subject: Solar/aurora update
>X-To:   qrp-canada@neale.gpfn.sk.ca, qrp-l@lehigh.edu
>X-Authentication-Warning: shell.rt66.com: na5n owned process doing -bs
>We lucked out pretty good this weekend.  Several fairly large flares
>occured friday, saturday, sunday and today (an M9), but did little to
>effect the bands over the weekend.  But now ... the shockwaves (CME's)
>from these flares are now taking their turns smacking into us, which
>caused major geomagnetic storming today, and episodes of more storming
>over the next few days.  This will primarly effect 40 and 80M in the
>evening with louder noise levels and static crashes, making life a
>bit difficult, but not impossible.  The higher bands will remain in
>pretty good shape, with the solar flux still above 200 (217 today).
>Enough for daytime 10M openings, and above normal 20-15M propagation.
>FOR CANADA/ALASKA ... things are not so rosie.  Today's M9 flare was
>also a proton flare, dumping more energetic protons at earth to keep
>that Polar Cap Absorption Event going.  HF communications will remain
>rough 2-3 more days for you folks.  Sorry :-(
>AURORA possibilities for tonight (monday) remain high, particularly
>if another shockwave hits us between now (sundown) and midnight.  So
>for those in the northern US states, glance at the northern sky tonite
>from 10pm to midnight for possible aurora displays.
>Evenings on the lower bands will be a bit rough for the next 2-3 days
>as an aftermath of all these flares, but not impossible to work QRP.
>72, Paul NA5N

Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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