[HQRP] Laptop computer problem-can anyone help?

Mark Fields mark_ke5my@juno.com
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 19:49:13 -0500

     I bought a Toshiba T-1000 laptop computer several
weeks ago.  When I got home and plugged it in, it work-
ed OK, although when it started up, it displayed a mess-
age that the internal battery had been discharged and I
had to reset the system clock and calendar.
     I left it hooked up and plugged in for some days so
that the battery would fully recharge, then unplugged
everything and put the laptop away for several days.
     This morning, I tried turning on the laptop while it
was not plugged in...and nothing happened.  Even the
"Power on"  light didn't come on.  Hooking up the AC
adaptor and leaving it plugged in for several hours has
only resulted (so far) in the light coming on for just a
moment and then going out.  At the recommendation of
Toshiba's technical support department, I'm going to
leave it plugged in for at least a day to see if that will
fix the problem.  Even so, I just don't understand why
this problem has suddenly occurred when the laptop
seemed to be working just fine some days ago.  The
last thing that I can think of at the moment is that the
adaptor, and the area of the laptop where it's plugged
into, are a little warm, if that means anything.
     Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, or advice?
I'd sure like to get this swapfest find back up and run-
ning as it seemed to be doing at first.  Thanks.

                                       73, Mark Fields, KE5MY
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