[HQRP] November Meeting Report

Ed Manuel (N5EM) n5em@flash.net
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 23:14:15 -0600

Well, if you missed this one, you missed out.

Ron, AG5RS brought his notebook and Charlie, W2CL brought the projector 
from the office and we had a great presentation by Ron on EZNEC.  This is 
not an easy application to learn and the tips and techniques shown by Ron 
should get a number of us moving forward learning to model antennas using 
this tool.

I think that this was SO valuable that I think we'll do it again after the 
first of the year.  We'll talk about it at the December meeting and see 
what everyone thinks.  And, speaking of the December meeting, make it down 
on your calendar.  December 15, Houston Arboretum!

This one was so useful, how about a similar program for December.  Several 
folks asked questions about Antenna Design software.  How about having a 
program featuring this area of software tools.  Can I see a cyber show of 
hands from folks who have and are using some antenna design software 
tool?  Can we draft you into a short presentation to share the knowledge?

And, I believe that Charlie will not be able to make the December 
meeting.  Anyone else have access to a projector for that meeting?

Look forward to input from those who can make December's program as great 
as Novembers!

Ed Manuel, N5EM	Houston, TX (Harris Co.) EL29
Houston QRP Club, Houston Amateur Television Society
http://www.n5em.com/	 n5em@amsat.org

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