[HQRP] Hard CNDX for Flying Pigs "Run for the Bacon" This Evening...

MacAllister, Andrew [EPM/HOU] Andrew.MacAllister@EmersonProcess.com
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 00:59:02 -0500


What happened to 20M this evening?!?
I had to go to 40M to get anything...
Here's what I posted for this evening's sprint:

W5ACM, Andy MacAllister, 3 Watts, w5acm@swbell.net
fpqso=4 fpdxqso=0 nonfpqso=0 spc=4 total=48

No signals heard on 20M. Activity on 40M was difficult after the first hour,
but had fun anyway! Next month...

72 & oo de Andy W5ACM
FP #836

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